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Internal Governance

board meeting room roundtable midjourney

Internal due diligence procedures and consulting teams at Netguru


🗣️ The Speak Up mechanism, which includes policies to prevent workplace bullying, discrimination, and other negative behaviors. In 2022, the Speak Up Commission reviewed 5 reports. All leadership members undergo anti-bullying and anti-discrimination training.

📝 The Code of Conduct - a set of principles outlining social norms, rules, obligations, or best practices for a particular person, party, or organization. The Code of Conduct applies to all Netguru team members.

🔑 The Information Security Management System, based on ISO 27001 standards, which includes policies and procedures describing mechanisms for managing information confidentiality and privacy.

📃 General Compliance Policy - in effect since March 2019, prohibits practices and actions such as corruption, establishes conflict of interest management principles, provides general guidelines for combating money laundering, and emphasizes confidentiality at Netguru.

Consulting teams:

  • Netguru Consulting Group - a diverse group of Netguru members who evaluate selected solutions and corporate projects.
  • The Ethics Committee for Projects - a group that provides opinions on ethical issues related to cooperation with selected clients and recommends a decision to the CEO. As a result of its work in 2022, Netguru withdrew from cooperation with 5 projects that were deemed to have a negative impact on society and the environment.

We plan our events and swag mindfully

Additionally, Netguru Teams such as Community Team and Employee Experience Team, that, among others, organize events for employees and partners, take into account social and environmental impact in the decision-making process (an informal practice). For example, by minimizing the use of disposable plastic and food waste during integration meetings, collaborating with local suppliers, and optimizing package shipping.

Netguru ESG Statement for 2022