Top AngularJS developers to hire

Build complex and secure dynamic applications with the experienced AngularJS developers
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Netguru: speed up development.

AngularJS development services

AngualrJS is efficient and scalable JavaScript framework that allows you to build a top-notch, high performance and easy to maintain web applications.

AngularJS Developers

Our AngularJS Developers & Consultants can help you develop a high-performing, well-architected and secure web applications that provides exceptional user experience. Choosing the right expert team that excels in the front-end solutions will have a remarkable impact on your app success.

  • Single page applications. AngularJS is suitable for building single-page apps with high quality and performance.
  • Mobile apps. You can build any type of mobile apps. Yet, AngularJS is particularly suitable for building cross-platform applications.
  • UI/UX development. Create a a digital product with an excellent UI/UX to delight your users.
  • App maintenance. Leverage AngularJS developers to maintain and optimize your application.

Dedicated AngularJS developers right when you need them

Scale up your team with AngularJS experts.

Take advantage of global expertise and amplify your projects with dedicated developers. Complete your projects with the experts you need, right when you need them. Access the best talent pool around the globe, hire fast and deliver outstanding products with our AngularJS development services.

Netguru AngularJS consultants.

A good technology partner is able to take care of the most complex processes and will guide you effectively towards your goals. With AngularJS technology we will help you enable a successful launch of your app, building trust among investors and acquiring customers. Our consultants will make sure that your application is developed in line with the highest security standards.


See how our support helped those companies

  • Our cooperation with Netguru is a true partnership. Whenever we faced challenges this year, we could rely on Netguru for our urgent staffing needs and time-critical deliverables. The Netguru team has gone above and beyond any expectations of what a strong and reliable partner can be.
    Hima Mandali Solarisbank CTO

    Hima Mandali

    CTO at Solarisbank
  • My experience of working with Netguru was absolutely excellent. Different software teams go through ups and downs, and good software teams are resilient. What makes the Netguru team succeed is being able to ride ups and downs as a team

    Gerardo Bonilla

    Product Manager of Moonfare
  • As OLX Group experienced a significant increase in demand for design talent, we could count with Netguru to support us as a real extension of our in-house team. Their designers were embedded in our day to day, sharing the same commitment and focus to deliver impactful solutions to our customers. Beyond the great design work produced, they are really nice people to work with, which is equally important to build a long lasting partnership.
    Victor Salciotti photo

    Victor Salciotti

    Head of Product Design at OLX

When to call on Angular JS developers

Fill talent gaps
  • Fill talent gaps. Hire highly-experienced experts from a global pool to boost your in-house team’s AngularJS programming capacities.
  • Extend your capabilities. Hire additional talent at any point of your app development project’s lifecycle and never miss a deadline.
  • Eliminate delays. Browse the global AngularJS talent poll and remove the struggle of a prolonged search for project-critical skills.
  • Easily scale and maintain your app. Whenever you want to maintain or easily scale your existing application our developers can support you in your project.

Experienced AnguarJS developers: How we work

Take advantage of Netguru's proven processes that can determine the success of your project. Our developers will take care of the most complex processes and will guide you flawlessly towards release your digital product.

  1. Consult your idea. Brainstorming and analyzing your idea with your Anguar.js develelopers
  2. Planning. Developing an app development strategy, creating project scope and core team logistics identification.
  3. Design. Creating a beautiful app.
  4. Reach the market. Attracting users by thanks to tailor-made solutions.

Start your project with us or take existing one to next level

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How Web Development Company Can Help You Kickstart Your Business

  • 15+

    Years on the market
  • 400+

    People on Board
  • 2500+

    Projects Delivered
  • 73

    Our Current NPS Score

Delivered by Netguru

We are actively boosting our international footprint across various industries such as banking, healthcare, real estate, e-commerce, travel, and more. We deliver products to such brands as Solarisbank, IKEA, PAYBACK, DAMAC, Volkswagen, Babbel, Santander, Keller Williams, and Hive.
  • $5M

    Granted in funding for Shine. Self-care mobile app that lets users practice gratitude
  • $28M

    Granted in funding for Moonfare. Investment platform that enables investment in private equity funds
  • $20M

    Granted in funding for Finiata. Data-driven SME lending platform provider
  • $47M

    Granted in funding for Tourlane. Lead generation tool that helps travelers to make bookings

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