Accelerate delivery with flexible staff augmentation services

Seamlessly integrate top-tier professionals to meet critical deadlines and maintain your competitive edge

Let’s talk about your project!

Overcome tech talent challenges with on-demand experts ready to join your project

Don’t let talent shortages slow you down. Tap into a network of skilled tech professionals to accelerate your hiring process. Expand your team and acquire the niche expertise you need to deliver top-notch software solutions on schedule.

Expand capabilities, not just headcount, with carefully chosen tech talent

Scale up your team and access niche expertise to improve project outcomes and streamline delivery.

  • Closing skill gaps. Acquire the specialized expertise you need to meet project requirements.
  • Flexible team expansion. Satisfy project scope changes with extra talent, at any point in the timeline.
  • Accelerated decision making. Make quicker, more informed decisions with greater expertise at your disposal.
  • Rapid talent onboarding. No more hiring slog, enjoy a streamlined process to get fresh minds on your team.
  • Enhanced project focus. Let external talent do the heavy lifting while you focus on the big picture.
  • Bypass roadblocks. Get rapid access to an expert talent pool, ensuring no more delays on critical skills.
Let’s talk about your project

Boosting mobile banking in Africa with staff augmentation

FairMoney's explosive user growth—1 million in just six months—intensified the pressure to deliver high-quality services efficiently.

Challenge: A rapidly expanding user base necessitated the swift delivery of a safe, stable mobile banking application.


  • Implementing an identity verification system through external service providers for current FairMoney users
  • Modifying the registration process for new users to include these verifications
  • Preparing and integrating a feature that allows in-app identity verification, enabling users to increase their transaction limits
  • Integrating user registration with AML software

  • We helped FairMoney reduce their time-to-market by 30%, improve app stability, and support expansion across multiple African regions.
Read the case study
fairmoney case study visual 5

temi - augmenting the development of a cutting-edge personal assistance robot

Built by a remote team, the personal assistant received excellent feedback during early testing.

Challenge: working closely with temi’s developers, Netguru helped build a personal assistance robot from scratch.


  • We worked on the robot’s operating system, iOS and Android apps, voice recognition, video loads, and fast data processing in the cloud.
  • We included temi in our agile culture and processes, introducing the global robotics company to our agile culture, principles, and processes, which turned out to be the best workflow for this project.


  • The Netguru team developed the robot’s operating system (Android-based), along with iOS and Android apps for controlling the robot, and an Android SDK.

Read the case study

In our clients' words

In our clients' words
  • Netguru has offered immense value by bringing experienced senior engineers who have produced quality code and built reliable systems that will serve our customers for a long time. These engineers, regardless of nationality and location, have adapted to the new environment and developed systems we’ve presented them.
    Timur Fairmoney

    Timur Khafizov

    Chief Technology Officer at FairMoney Microfinance Bank
  • We’ve had a long-term relationship with Netguru. Netguru is a great and super-professional service provider, which brought new technologies, new methodology, and a fresh perspective to our project.

    Assaf Davidi

    VP Product at temi

Talent shortages don't need to slow down your projects

Fill your talent and expertise gaps with world-class developers in diverse fields and technology stacks.

  • Web developers. Deliver state-of-the-art web applications by boosting your in-house team with remote tech talent.
  • Mobile developers. Exceed user expectations with responsive solutions delivered by top mobile technology experts.
  • Product Designers. Work with UX and UI design artists to deliver beautiful and usable products.
  • DevOps Engineers. Ensure dependable and quick releases, scalability, and security with experienced DevOps practitioners.
  • Quality Assurance Testers. Squash bugs, solve issues, and ensure product quality with skilled QA testers.
  • Product Managers. Delegate product decisions to experts at delivering great digital experiences.
Let's talk about your project

What are staff augmentation services in IT?

Staff augmentation is a flexible model used by organizations to enhance their agility and adapt to evolving needs. Here's how it works:
  • Temporary talent addition: it involves hiring external personnel temporarily to boost your organization's capacity.
  • Quick scaling and specialized access: this approach lets you swiftly scale your teams and access specialized skills when needed. It's particularly beneficial for meeting temporary staffing needs or accessing specific expertise.
  • Broad scope: staff augmentation is a versatile solution applicable across multiple domains, including software development, design, project management, and more. This flexibility allows businesses to address specific skill requirements in a range of areas, ensuring comprehensive project coverage.
  • Growing relevance: the popularity of staff augmentation is rising due to factors like increasing demand for tech skills and the competitive nature of the industry, which calls for ever faster time-to-market.
  • Strategic considerations: when opting for staff augmentation, it's crucial to identify your goals. Whether it's prioritizing cost-efficiency or skill level, this service can be tailored to your project's specific requirements.
  • Cost-effective and scalable: compared to maintaining a full in-house team, staff augmentation is a scalable, budget-friendly option. It allows you to pay only for the expertise you need, bypassing the usual costs associated with recruitment and hiring.

Staff augmentation services provide a strategic solution for businesses looking to remain nimble, access global talent, and efficiently tackle project challenges without the overhead of too many permanent hires.

What is the difference between staff outsourcing and staff augmentation?

While similar, there are some key differences that make augmentation a different model than outsourcing.

Staff outsourcing:

  • External project management: with outsourcing, you entrust a project or specific tasks to a third-party company or individual.
  • Vendor responsibility: the outsourcing partner oversees the project's execution and is accountable for the final quality and results.
  • Control transfer: this model suits situations where you prefer to hand over certain aspects of a project, relinquishing some direct control over its execution and management.

Staff augmentation:

  • Internal collaboration: Staff augmentation, in contrast, involves integrating external professionals into your existing in-house team.
  • Skill enhancement: These professionals supplement your team by providing additional expertise and capabilities.
  • Retained control: Here, your company maintains greater control over project management and is responsible for the final outcome. This approach is ideal for filling specific skill gaps while keeping a firm hand on the project's direction.

Overall, the main difference is in control and responsibility. Outsourcing means delegating entire projects or tasks to an external party, whereas augmentation brings in external talent to collaborate directly with your team, allowing your company to maintain more control and oversight of the project.

What does the staff augmentation hiring process look like?

The hiring process for staff augmentation is streamlined and focused, designed to efficiently bring in top talent on a contractual basis. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  • Identifying requirements: The process begins with the hiring company outlining specific needs, preparing detailed job descriptions and role briefs for the desired talent.
  • Market research and provider collaboration: the staff augmentation provider then matches these requirements against available talent. They submit pre-selected CVs that closely align with the criteria.
  • Skill verification: from this pool, the hiring company often selects candidates for test assignments to assess their skills and fit for the role, or it can be done by the provider.
  • Feedback and interviews: following the tests, feedback is given, and chosen candidates are invited for interviews to further gauge their suitability.
  • Decision making: the hiring company selects the candidates they wish to hire.
  • Contract negotiation and signing: the hiring company and staff augmentation provider agree on contract terms, including the cooperation length, and finalize the agreement.
  • Onboarding: once the contract is in place, the new team members are onboarded. They immerse themselves into the company’s internal team, aligning with the company culture, development processes, and strategic goals.
  • Evaluation of proposals and security protocols: at the same time, there's an evaluation of IT staff augmentation proposals, including checking the vendor’s security policies, NDAs, data handling, and storage protocols, and understanding their onboarding timelines.

This process, while thorough, is quicker than traditional full-scale recruitment. It ensures that companies can swiftly and effectively fill talent gaps with highly skilled professionals, without the overheads associated with permanent hiring.

When should you consider staff augmentation services?

Staff augmentation is particularly valuable for addressing skill shortages, managing costs, and adapting to fluctuating work demands, all while maintaining a high level of control and flexibility.
  • Temporary workforce needs: times when you need to bolster your workforce temporarily, either to fill a gap due to employee absence or when facing a shortage of qualified workers in a specific area.
  • Quick scaling for workload spikes: if you're looking to rapidly expand their teams in response to sudden increases in workload or staff shortages, without committing to permanent contracts.
  • Access to specialized talent: When your in-house team lacks specific skills critical for project delivery, staff augmentation grants access to a global talent pool, bringing in niche expertise that might not be readily available locally.
  • Cost-effective solutions: when you need a financially optimal alternative, cutting costs related to recruitment, payroll, project management, and implementation.
  • Flexible and scalable hiring: when you need an adaptable model, suitable for short-term or long-term needs, especially when launching new projects or experimenting with new business directions.
  • Enhanced testing and quality assurance: when you need additional testing capabilities, dedicated QA testers from staff augmentation services can ensure the highest product quality before launch.
  • Boosting efficiency and productivity: when you want to enhance your organization's efficiency and workflow, leading to increased productivity.

Expand your team with seasoned experts

Netguru offers comprehensive staff augmentation services for businesses looking to extend their in-house capabilities. Take advantage of top experts ready to jump into your project and deliver value from day one.

Hive – helping to build a disruptive all-in-one productivity platform

Netguru amplified the client’s team with product designers and mobile developers.

Challenge: Hive needed to enhance its collaboration platform with a sleeker, feature-rich mobile app and a consistent design for its growing client base.


  • Developed a light React Native app for iOS and Android.
  • Crafted a consistent design for all Hive’s applications.
  • Provided custom features for key clients.


  • Successfully revamped mobile app while retaining full functionality.
  • Helped attracted prestigious clients.
  • Earned high praise from Hive’s CEO for Netguru’s efficient and ownership-driven approach.
Read the case study

See how our support helped those companies

  • Netguru has also been great in terms of having the ability to understand how to balance your own design experience and the best design practices with the outcome of the KW Labs sessions.
    Adi Pavlovic

    Adi Pavlovic

    Director of Innovation at Keller Williams
  • I've really appreciated the flexibility and breadth of experience we've been able to tap from the Netguru team. While most of our work together has been in React Native, at times when needed we've also gotten support in QA, design, UX, iOS and Android as well.
    Jonathan Uy

    Jonathan Uy

    CTO at Shine
  • I’ve had a long-lasting partnership with Netguru. Happy that it works so well and hopeful that we can cooperate on more projects in the future. Netguru always tries to make things possible.
    Susanne Wechsler

    Susanne Wechsler

    Director B2B at Babbel

  • 15+

    Years on the market
  • 400+

    People on Board
  • 2500+

    Projects Delivered
  • 73

    Our Current NPS Score

Delivered by Netguru

Our international footprint keeps growing across industries such as banking, healthcare, real estate, e-commerce, travel, and others. We deliver products for such brands as solarisBank, PAYBACK, DAMAC, Volkswagen, Babbel, Santander, Keller Williams, Hive, and many more.
  • $47M

    Granted in funding. Lead generation tool that helps travelers to make bookings
  • $20M

    Granted in funding. Data-driven SME lending platform provider
  • $28M

    Granted in funding. Investment platform that enable to invest in private equity funds
  • $5M

    Granted in funding. Self-care mobile app that lets users practice gratitude

Staff augmentation FAQ

Learn more details about staff augmentation.

What are the main pros and cons of staff augmentation services?

Pros of staff augmentation:

  • Expertise: ideal for projects needing specific skills not present in your current team, especially for short-term requirements.
  • Flexibility and scalability: quickly adapt to changing business needs, scaling your workforce up or down as needed.
  • Access to specialized skills: tap into a diverse talent pool for specialized industry expertise.
  • Cost-effectiveness: accelerate project timelines and reduce delays by integrating skilled professionals, improving time-to-market.

Cons of staff augmentation:

  • Higher long-term cost: potential for increased labor costs if projects extend beyond expected timelines.
  • Onboarding time: integrating augmented staff can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  • Knowledge gaps: temporary nature of staff augmentation can lead to gaps in long-term institutional knowledge.
  • Process adjustments: might require changes to internal processes and tools, differing from those for direct hires.

What are the main types of staff augmentation services in IT?

Short-term vs long-term:

  • Short-term for temporary needs or when in-house staff are unavailable.
  • Long-term for extended projects, skill gaps, or cost reduction.
Commodity, skilled, highly skilled:
  • Commodity: trusted workforce without specific skills.
  • Skilled: specialists with specific, non-critical skill sets.
  • Highly skilled: professionals with advanced skills from training and experience.
Project-based vs skill-based:
  • Project-based: focuses on staffing for specific projects.
  • Skill-based: centers on hiring for specific skills, regardless of skill level criticality.

What is the typical duration of staff augmentation contracts?

The duration of staff augmentation contracts can vary based on the specific requirements of the project, with short-term contracts typically lasting 4 to 6 months and long-term contracts typically lasting a year or more.
  • Labor law compliance: ensure the staff augmentation provider adheres to employee payroll regulations, including accurate calculation and deduction of withholding taxes.
  • Insurance requirements: verify the provider's compliance with insurance mandates to protect all parties involved in staff augmentation.
  • Compliance with industry standards: understand and adhere to specific standards and regulations applicable to the industry of the augmented staff.
  • Project-related, unique legal pitfalls: be cautious of potential legal issues, as non-compliance can result in penalties and reputational damage.

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Maximize productivity and deliver your project on time with staff augmentation

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