Make your products stand out with User Research methods

Elevate the design, features, and success of your product with actionable user insights
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Increase your chances of success by 60% with User Research methods

While you might think user or discovery research is costly and time-consuming, studies show that Lean User Research is the best way to ensure your product meets the needs of your customers. 83% of companies report project success after conducting User Research .

User insights in the development cycle

Simply put, User Research methods provide you with insights that help you optimize product development at every stage to deliver user-fit outcomes.

User Research isn’t a one-time solution. Most successful organizations incorporate it as part of a cyclical improvement process:

  • Validation (in-depth interviews, contextual studies, landing page speed feedback, competitor analysis, Big Data analytics)
  • Design (in-depth interviews, contextual studies, usability testing, competitor usability testing, AB tests, card sorting)
  • Post-launch (in-depth interviews, usability testing, click tests, surveys, Big Data analytics)

Including User Research in the development process enables asking the right questions and collecting information critical for product development that allows you to give the right answers to your audience’s needs.

user insights

User Research boosts business success and here’s WHY

A discovery research phase gives you an almost 60% higher chance that your product will turn out a success.

The numbers are in. Projects that include User Research methods in the product development process significantly outperform those that neglect this phase. Performing discovery research also cuts the risk of failure by 75%, according to NN Group, making user-centered research invaluable.

source: NN Group research

illustartion girl with chart

Power up your product design with User Research methods

Bring your users on board to make products and services excel.

  • Limit your risk of market product failure. Generative research helps you identify problems, target markets, and validates approaches to your product design.
  • Concept validation before development. Identify assumptions vs reality at an early stage before big budgets are spent on development.
  • Product uniqueness. Observing users and competitors unlocks insights to develop unique solutions to fill market niches.
  • Retention improvement. User Research gives you a deep dive into customer preferences, helping you secure user loyalty.
  • Boost conversion. Releasing customer-verified products ensures higher chances of conversion and revenue growth.
  • Churn reduction. Reduce customer churn by testing and avoiding the mistakes of your competitors.
  • Increase Registration. Improve your product-market fit, offer presentation, and usability to get more users on board.
  • User base extension. Listen, observe and respond to the needs of users to bring solutions to a broader user base.

OLX: Supporting the creation of the best quality user experience with product design consultancy

Combining product discovery research, validation, and prototyping into a robust go-to-market product strategy.

The ultimate goal was to improve the decision-making process using data insights and estimating potential business value and the potential ROI of their new design.

Based on qualitative research — interviews with stakeholders and users, business analysis, prototypes, and user tests — we built meaningful user personas.

Behavioral data-driven quantitative research was the second part of the study.

The end result was a detailed report with recommendations and a business value prognosis for the redesign.

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olx mobile phones view
  • As OLX Group experienced a significant increase in demand for design talent, we could count on Netguru to support us as a real extension of our in-house team. Their designers were embedded into our day-to-day, sharing the same commitment and focus to deliver impactful solutions to our customers. Beyond the great design work produced, they are really nice people to work with, which is equally important to build a long-lasting partnership.
    Victor Salciotti OLX

    Victor Salciotti

    Head of Product Design at OLX

Choosing the right User Research methods is crucial to customer satisfaction

Translate your deep understanding of market demand into user-centric products and services

  • Discovery Research. Validate the concept for a new release with user perspectives before the actual investment.
  • Competitor Analysis. By learning from others' mistakes or best practices, your product can outrun the competition.
  • Usability testing. Test your product principles and design elements against user habits, problems, and expectations.
  • KPI Booster. Understanding the dependencies and mechanics behind focus areas helps improve KPI performance.

Learn how to conduct a successful User Research process

Our team has vast experience in applying User Research methods to deliver results for our clients. Read below to discover our step-by-step process, which can be implemented at any stage of the development cycle.
  1. Vision Assessment. We start by reviewing, assessing, and collecting insights about your project vision.
  2. Research Proposal. Based on the Vision Assessment, we provide a research plan tailored to your needs and abilities.
  3. Conduct Research. This phase is all about conducting and documenting the User Research and collaborating with you along the way.
  4. Insights Presentation. In the last stage, we provide you with analyzed research insights and product recommendations.

What is User Research?


User Research is a stage-by-stage, ongoing approach to identifying problems and proposing solutions to them, with the ultimate goal of product refinement. You’re constantly testing ideas and receiving feedback from users and customers until you’re able to address any issues and release a highly optimized go-to-market product/service.

It can take time, and you may have to repeat the process several times. However, it’s ultimately worth it as it will help you and your business hit the ground running when it comes to promoting and ultimately selling those products.

User Research helps brands to understand the preferences, behaviors, and needs that influence customers to make product and brand choices. It does this through a range of feedback and response methods such as surveys, observation, and analyzing tasks.

Put simply, User Research methodology is all about improving products and services. After all, our products don’t just need to fulfill a function — they need to be usable. By employing experimental research processes, you can help to guide how your products and services are designed, developed, and ultimately brought to market.

This means that User Researchers work in close collaboration with other business functions like product designers and engineers, as well as programmers and strategy directors, at all stages of product development and ideation.

Qualitative and quantitative User Research methods

There are two main types of User Research methodology: qualitative research and quantitative research. Both of them require different approaches and deliver different results, which means they are more or less advantageous for different types of projects.

Let’s take a closer look at these methods.

Qualitative User Research

Qualitative research is mainly centered around observing and collecting insights from non-numerical data points, like your customers’ opinions or stated preferences.

Qualitative data helps to add a human touch to what we’ve come to know as “big data”. It’s an important part of the User Research process because it helps you to understand the numbers from quantitative User Research through the lens of the end user.

Quantitative User Research

Quantitative research, as you might have already guessed, is the process of gathering data in the form of numbers, stats, and anything else which is definitively measurable.

This ultimately delivers factual information about whether something does or does not happen, or is or is not true, like whether a user has chosen to interact with a certain function of your product.

This is the fact-finding art of User Research, whereas qualitative research, as already mentioned, helps you understand and interpret those facts.

These are two different but equally important pillars in User Research methodology and they go a long way to aligning your business vision with consumer perspectives. Therefore, it isn’t a choice between qualitative OR quantitative methods.

Indeed, it is better to employ both of these research methodologies in your process. They bring distinct insights that together empower brands to act confidently on improving their product design. Think of it like driving — you need one hand to work out the gears, and another to steer the car in the right direction.

User Research tools

There are several different tools, activities, and actions you can undertake to make greater use of insights and enhance the results and efficacy of your User Research program.

Product analysis and user analysis will enable you to look at how products and users interact, whether the product is functioning successfully, and if that function caters appropriately to the way users need or want to use it, including UI and user design elements.

It’s also important to create a stakeholder management plan to ensure the involvement of each stakeholder with the process — from developers and engineers to customers or investors — is clearly defined and their contributions documented.

Competitive analysis UX is another tool you can use. This method gives you a greater understanding of how your competitors are performing. It could be highlighting how their features work, or the feedback they’re getting from their own users. What all this helps you do is adjust and amend your own product strategy to design a superior solution. Understanding the competition is the first step to overcoming it.

This kind of analysis enables you to deepen your discovery research by developing user personas and conducting user scenarios, guerilla usability testing, and contextual study user research. All of those place your potential product or service in the market context and allow you to accurately predict its performance with different market demographics against those of your competitors.

The role of a User Researcher

User Researchers help to plan and execute research projects to support design and development teams to gain a deeper understanding of how potential users use your or your competitors’ services. Their research informs how you design and embed different functionalities and features into your own products and services in the most optimal way for your users.

So what skills does a User Researcher need? Here are a few that can help to optimize the User Research process:

  • Analytical mindset
  • Inclusive and diverse thinking
  • Ability to conduct research (sounds obvious, but worth stating)
  • Knowledge and understanding of social, technological, and business trends
  • Ability to think strategically about how brands, products, and consumers interact
  • Understanding of technical requirements and limitations
  • A focus on delivering on user perspectives.

Crucially, the User Researcher will collaborate with your team in an open and iterative way to ensure that the User Research project stays on track and delivers the findings you need to enhance your final product or service.

Supporting product development driven by actual users’ needs

UX Research experts help you identify product challenges related to user preferences, behaviors, and needs and address them in every stage of product development.

Assessing the usability of virtual try-on apps from leading brands

Find out how we conducted UX research to assess the VTO offerings of brands like Rayban, Maybelline, and Pandora.

We wanted to deepen our knowledge of the VTO market and help companies get the most out of it, so we put our experts to work on an internal project.

Through a survey, UX audit, and usability testing, we assessed the VTO offerings of leading brands to uncover common pitfalls and identify opportunities to get ahead.

Other than sharing our findings in a well-received report, we’ve since used these insights to develop our own VTO offering and enhance the service we deliver to clients.

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Screens for UX research of VTO solutions

Lisk: User Research phase helped extend knowledge about the market environment for their Blockchain Wallet

Collecting valuable business insights and building an accurate picture of Lisk’s performance. Lisk’s project started with comprehensive research divided into two key phases: onsite workshops with the Lisk team, and expert reviews and analysis.

In the expert review phase, the research delivered data on Lisk's current performance used for establishing the project’s goals.
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Lisk desktop and mobile view

Bonzei: Data-driven approach to UX design for their application dedicated to mindfulness growth

Conducting desk research to study market trends, needs, competitors, and user profiles.

We created an innovative design for this powerful MVP application based on research outcomes.

To tailor the design and illustrations, we dived into market trend analysis and user profiles that allowed us to discover actual customer interests and needs. Discovering those motivations was a cornerstone for creating seamless UX design and meaningful illustrations for the Bonzei app.

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bonzei application screen on a mobile phone

Our partners about the cooperation with Netguru

  • Netguru has been the best agency we've worked with so far. The team is able to design new skills, features, and interactions within our model, with a great focus on speed to market.

    Adi Pavlovic

    Director of Innovation, Keller Williams
  • I’ve had a long-lasting partnership with Netguru. Happy that it works so well and hopeful that we can cooperate on more projects in the future. Netguru always tries to make things possible.
    Susanne Wechsler

    Susanne Wechsler

    Director B2B at Babbel
  • It was great working with Netguru. I'm confident it was an excellent decision to get the team involved in redesigning the Swap app. It's an excellent outcome for us, as we can do it faster in-house.
    Bruno Ramos Berho-1

    Bruno Ramos Berho

    CEO, Swap

  • 15+

    Years on the market
  • 400+

    People on Board
  • 2500+

    Projects Delivered
  • 73

    Our Current NPS Score

Delivered by Netguru

We are actively boosting our international footprint across various industries such as banking, healthcare, real estate, e-commerce, travel, and more. We deliver products to such brands as solarisBank, PAYBACK, DAMAC, Volkswagen, Babbel, Santander, Keller Williams, and Hive.
  • $5M

    Granted in funding for Shine. Self-care mobile app that lets users practice gratitude
  • $28M

    Granted in funding for Moonfare. Investment platform that enables to invest in private equity funds
  • $20M

    Granted in funding for Finiata. Data-driven SME lending platform provider

Any doubts about User Research? Check FAQ.

The most common questions about user research, answered.

How long does the Research take?

Time span for conducting User Research varies depending on the type of the research and its scope. Based on the size of your organization and the resources you can bring to the user research process, the timescale can be different.

For small companies, it could be up to a 5 day user research timeline. For larger companies, it can take between 2-4 weeks. Your budget and available data will also impact the time the research takes.

Is in-house Research a better option than hiring an external team?

In-house Research can be detrimental sometimes. It is hard to ensure its objectivity, and therefore the process can take longer to get right - which can make it more costly.

You need impartiality to conduct effective research. You don’t want The Boss always being right, or taking design tips from friends and family. Also, users will respond differently to being asked by a representative of a company if they would buy their product than they would by an independent researcher.

Which Research product is suitable for my case?

We will select the best ones tailored to your needs and abilities. We use a simple criteria to categorize our User Research Products:

Are you exploring a new concept or improving an existing one?

  • What do you need to know?
  • Who is your end-user (B2B or B2C)?
  • What is your budget?
  • What is your timeline?
  • Can you provide participants from among your users? 
  • Do you need to explore the topic to its core?
  • Are you happy with pinning just critical insights for starters?


Contact us to find out more.

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Agata Raczewska photo-1

Agata Rączewska

Head of User Research

Agata is a user experience expert & leader with 14 years of experience in creating and developing products.

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