What is Staff Augmentation? 2023 Guide

Photo of Kacper Rafalski

Kacper Rafalski

Updated Feb 8, 2024 • 14 min read
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Did you know that staff augmentation is a powerful tool businesses use to overcome challenges and meet their goals?

This lesser-known strategy offers flexibility, access to a global talent pool, and cost-efficient solutions. Ready to learn more about staff augmentation meaning and how it can benefit your business? Let’s dive in!

Short Summary

  • Staff augmentation is a cooperation model which allows companies to increase their in-house teams by engaging temporary outsourced IT professionals.
  • It provides businesses access to global talent, scalability, and cost savings while allowing them to manage resources effectively.
  • Businesses should consider staff augmentation for skill gaps, deadlines or reinforcements when other models do not work based on specific needs and objectives.

Defining Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a cooperation model that allows companies to increase their internal staff, including their in-house development team, by engaging one or multiple outsourced IT professionals on a temporary basis.

The purpose of staff augmentation is to address IT staffing needs within the existing pool of skills, including the in-house team. For instance, a company may opt for staff augmentation if they require specialized skills or experience to update an internal CRM system, rather than going through the traditional recruiting process. In such cases, they may seek the services of an outsourcing software development vendor.

This hiring model provides access to a wider range of talent, scalability, and cost-efficient solutions, which can be an alternative to hiring a managed service provider. It allows businesses to quickly hire specialists for a specific project, such as project managers. Unlike project outsourcing, which entails delegating particular business operations to an external service provider, staff augmentation focuses on bringing in additional personnel to supplement an internal team.

Staff Augmentation Overview

In essence, staff augmentation is a flexible approach to hiring that enables businesses to address their staffing needs efficiently. It streamlines the hiring process, allowing companies to quickly engage external professionals with the specific skills and experience needed for a project, without the time-consuming and costly process of hiring full-time employees.

This approach is beneficial for businesses of all sizes, as it allows them to access the skills.

Key Components of Staff Augmentation

The primary aspects of staff augmentation are flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and access to a worldwide talent base with particular skills. By leveraging staff augmentation services, businesses can better manage their resources, minimize administrative and organizational expenses, and ensure the right mix of skills for their projects.

Moreover, staff augmentation allows businesses to maintain control over their development process and retain their company culture, while gaining access to the technical expertise they need. With the ability to adjust the size of their team as needed, businesses can respond quickly to changing project requirements, ensuring project success and timely delivery.

Staff Augmentation Models

There are three primary staff augmentation models: onshore, offshore, and nearshore. Each model has its own set of advantages and challenges, and the right staff augmentation model for your business will depend on factors such as project requirements, budget, and cultural fit. Understanding the differences between these models can help you make informed decisions when selecting the best approach to meet your business needs.

Let's take an in-depth look at the onshore, offshore, and nearshore staff augmentation models, shed light on their respective benefits and drawbacks, and insights on how to choose the right model for your business.

Onshore Staff Augmentation

Temporary professionals can be hired from within the same country to work in-house. This is known as onshore staff augmentation. It provides a flexible staffing solution to meet business needs. This model offers several advantages, such as:

  • direct collaboration,
  • effortless integration into existing teams,
  • effective communication,
  • and cultivating a strong working relationship between existing staff and augmented team members.

Additionally, onshore staff augmentation allows businesses to access a larger pool of efficient talent, bridging skill gaps and addressing resource requirements.

However, there are also potential challenges to consider when utilizing onshore staff augmentation. For instance, the cost of hiring onshore professionals may be higher than offshore or nearshore alternatives. Furthermore, organizations must be prepared to manage the new staff and observe their performance, ensuring that they meet expectations and contribute effectively to the project.

Offshore Staff Augmentation

Offshore staff augmentation involves hiring professionals from other countries, providing cost-effective solutions and access to a larger talent pool.

This model can be especially beneficial for businesses looking to save on recruitment costs and associated taxes, as well as leverage professionals from countries with a lower cost of living. Skill-based staff augmentation is a common approach in this model, wherein organizations identify the requisite skills and knowledge for a particular project and subsequently hire staff with those skills on a temporary or permanent basis.

There are potential drawbacks to consider when choosing offshore staff augmentation model. For instance, quality control concerns, security risks, and language barriers may arise due to working with teams in other countries. To mitigate these challenges, organizations should carefully consider the skills and experience required, devise a plan for incorporating the new staff into the existing workforce, and be equipped to manage the new staff and observe their performance.

Nearshore Staff Augmentation

Nearshore staff augmentation is a model that enables businesses to collaborate with external teams, generally in nearby countries, to quickly and effectively fill positions. It permits businesses to access a highly skilled talent pool while reducing recruitment overhead and other expenses, providing a balance between cost savings and cultural compatibility.

However, there are potential drawbacks to nearshore staff augmentation. Language and cultural differences may arise, which could affect communication and collaboration between teams. Additionally, there may be legal and regulatory considerations to be aware of when working with teams in other countries.

To ensure successful nearshore staff augmentation for the IT workforce, businesses should recognize skill gaps, select the appropriate partner, and effectively manage augmented teams.

Comparing Staff Augmentation with Other Outsourcing Models

Staff augmentation is just one of many outsourcing models available to businesses. Other popular models include managed services, dedicated teams, and independent contractors. Each model has its own set of advantages and challenges, and the right model for your business will depend on factors such as project requirements, budget, and desired level of control and accountability.

In this section, we will compare staff augmentation with other popular outsourcing models, highlighting their differences and suitability for various business needs. Understanding these distinctions can help you make informed decisions when selecting the best approach to meet your business goals.

Staff Augmentation vs Managed Services

Staff augmentation and managed services differ in several ways, particularly in terms of control, flexibility, and accountability. Staff augmentation is more responsive in nature and focuses on short-term projects and engagements. It provides flexibility and direct communication with the augmented team. In turn, managed services involve outsourcing the full management and maintenance of a certain function or process to a third-party provider. It is a more proactive approach wherein the provider assumes full responsibility for delivering the desired outcomes.

In terms of cost, staff augmentation often offers cost savings by eliminating recruitment costs and associated taxes, whereas managed services typically involve a fixed monthly fee for ongoing management and support. The choice between staff augmentation and managed services largely depends on your business’s specific needs and desired level of control and accountability.

Staff Augmentation vs Dedicated Teams

Dedicated teams and staff augmentation differ in their team structure, responsibility, and supervision. Dedicated teams are a model of outsourcing which involves hiring a software development team of professionals to work solely on a particular project for a predetermined period of time. This model is suitable for long-term projects and provides more control over the team.

In contrast, staff augmentation is more suitable for short-term projects, offering more flexibility in terms of recruitment and management of resources. When choosing between staff augmentation and dedicated teams, it’s important to consider your project’s duration, desired level of control, and specific skill requirements.

Both models can be effective in meeting your business’s needs, but the best choice will depend on the unique circumstances of your entire project.

Staff Augmentation vs Independent Contractors

Staff augmentation and independent contractors differ in their hiring processes, project involvement, and legal responsibilities. Independent contractors are self-employed individuals who provide services to the business but are not employed by the business, working under a contract. They are typically employed for short-term projects and are not part of the company’s personnel.

Staff augmentation, on the other hand, involves engaging external resources to supplement an existing team or fill particular skill gaps, and is more suitable for long-term projects and provides more oversight of the team. Team augmentation, a similar concept, can offer cost savings by eliminating the need for a vendor commission and limiting access to company data, whereas hiring independent contractors typically involves negotiating a contract with the contractor for the duration of the project.

The choice between staff augmentation and independent contractors depends on your business’s specific needs and desired level of control and accountability.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation offers a range of advantages and disadvantages that businesses should consider when deciding whether this hiring model is right for them. By understanding the pros and cons of staff augmentation, businesses can make informed decisions about the best approach to meet their specific needs and goals.

In this section, we will provide a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of staff augmentation, helping businesses determine if this hiring model is the right fit for their organization.

Pros of Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation offers several benefits, including cost savings, flexibility, direct communication, and increased productivity. The model allows businesses to access specialized skills and knowledge, which can lead to improved productivity and timely completion of projects. Furthermore, staff augmentation enables organizations to quickly adjust their workforce, enabling them to effectively respond to evolving business requirements.

Another major advantage of staff augmentation is cost savings. By eliminating the need to hire full-time employees and avoiding the expenses associated with training and onboarding new personnel, businesses can save on recruitment costs and associated taxes. Additionally, staff augmentation allows businesses to leverage professionals from countries with a lower cost of living, further enhancing cost savings.

Cons of Staff Augmentation

Despite its advantages, staff augmentation also presents several challenges. Potential issues may include language barriers, quality control concerns, security risks, and incompatibility with long-term projects. Miscommunication could occur due to language barriers or cultural differences, leading to project delays and additional costs.

Moreover, quality control concerns and security risks may arise due to the lack of control over external professionals, potentially affecting project outcomes and overall success. That said, it is important for businesses considering staff augmentation to carefully weigh the pros and cons of this hiring model to ensure it aligns with their specific needs and objectives.

Best Practices for Successful Staff Augmentation

Successfully implementing staff augmentation requires careful planning and consideration. By following best practices, businesses can ensure that they get the most out of this hiring model and achieve their goals.

In this section, we will provide a guide to implementing staff augmentation effectively, including tips for identifying skill gaps, choosing the right partner, and managing augmented teams. By following these best practices, businesses can maximize the benefits of staff augmentation while mitigating potential challenges.

Identifying Skill Gaps

Assessing your company’s current and future talent needs is a crucial first step in implementing staff augmentation effectively. By conducting a thorough skills gap analysis, businesses can identify the specific skills and competencies needed to achieve their goals and determine the best way to fill those gaps.

Once skill gaps have been identified, businesses can create job postings and develop hiring strategies that target the desired skills and experience. This targeted approach enables organizations to quickly engage experienced developers and other right professionals for their projects, ensuring a high-quality outcome.

Choosing the Right Staff Augmentation Partner

Selecting a reliable and experienced staff augmentation provider is paramount to the success of your staff augmentation strategy. When choosing a partner, consider factors such as experience, reliability, and communication skills. A strong staff augmentation partner will be able to provide the necessary skills and competencies to meet your organization’s goals, ensuring a successful outcome.

Additionally, it is important to hold the staff augmentation partner accountable for any performance issues. By maintaining open communication and setting clear expectations, businesses can work collaboratively with their staff augmentation partner to achieve project success.

Managing Augmented Teams

Effectively integrating and managing augmented teams is essential for ensuring clear communication and collaboration. Establishing effective communication channels and defining expectations and objectives can help facilitate a seamless integration of augmented team members into your local team.

Cultivating a team culture and leveraging project management tools can also play a significant role in effectively managing augmented teams. Implementing a feedback loop and regularly reviewing progress can further enhance productivity and ensure that the augmented team is on track to meet project goals.

When Should You Choose Staff Augmentation For Your Business?

Staff augmentation can be a beneficial option for businesses in various scenarios. For instance, if your company needs to reinforce in-house teams, bridge skill gaps, meet deadlines, or when other models do not work, flexible team augmentation services may be the ideal solution.

Ultimately, the decision to implement staff augmentation should be based on your business’s specific needs and objectives. By carefully considering the advantages and disadvantages of staff augmentation, as well as the best practices for implementation, you can determine if this hiring model is the right fit for your organization.


In conclusion, staff augmentation is a versatile and cost-effective hiring model that can help businesses address their staffing needs and achieve their goals. By understanding the pros and cons of staff augmentation, as well as the best practices for implementation, businesses can make informed decisions about whether this model is the right fit for their organization. With the right approach, staff augmentation can provide access to a global talent pool, enhanced flexibility, and increased productivity, driving your business towards success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation is an outsourcing model that provides temporary workers to fulfill short-term roles within a business. It is distinct from traditional project outsourcing in key ways.

What is an example of staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation is an effective way to manage resources by outsourcing workers for short-term projects. For example, you could bring in additional developers if your in-house team isn’t large enough to complete a project.

What is the difference between staff augmentation and contractor?

Staff augmentation involves hiring software engineers from outsourcing agencies on a temporary basis, while independent contractors are self-employed.

Staff augmentation typically includes pre-screened developers and may have HR support while independent contractors have none of these benefits.

Photo of Kacper Rafalski

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Kacper Rafalski

Kacper is an experienced digital marketing manager with core expertise built around search engine...
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