Make Your First Step in the Software Industry With Netguru College

Photo of Joanna Antkowiak

Joanna Antkowiak

Updated May 26, 2024 • 7 min read
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Netguru College is a unique formula of free-of-charge workshops aimed at helping people who want to start or develop their career in the software industry.

The workshops are conducted by our experienced mentors from different areas.

How to join?

Our vision for Netguru College is to transfer our knowledge and experience to other bright minds who have the desire to take their skills to the next level.

You don’t need to be an advanced developer to join us. We do require some technical background and basic knowledge of software development and a good command of English in writing and speaking (CEFR B2+).

If you want to become a professional coder, but you’re not sure how to get around to doing it, Netguru College will be the perfect start for you. It might also be a good way to learn a new language in practice in an internationally recognized company.

A bit of history

Everything started in 2017 when we organized the first edition of Netguru Code College. It was a 2-week workshop focused on different aspects of Ruby on Rails development: the specifics of the framework and the language, tips on writing quality code and testing, and a primer on the most useful libraries and resources. The workshops took place at Netguru’s Poznan headquarters and participants had a chance to get to know the office vibe.

Since then, we have organized 21 editions of 2-week, weekend, and one-off online workshops. The topics of the workshops varied from Ruby on Rails, React, and iOS to Business Development or Project Management. That is why at one point we decided to change the name from Netguru Code College to Netguru College - the workshops were not always about coding.

During these four years, NC (as we commonly refer to this initiative) attracted over 1,350 candidates and trained over 350 participants.

For some participants (more than 40 to be exact), Netguru College turned out to be the beginning of their adventure with Netguru and a start of many years of cooperation. Over the years, juniors have become seniors, team leaders, and often new NC mentors.

Meet Netguru College alumni:

Netguru College: QA 2018

Hired as QA intern ➡️ Now Senior QA and Team Leader

“NC is an event that allowed me to take my first steps in the IT industry and defined the direction of my development for the coming years,"

Screenshot 2022-02-22 at 13.41.08

Wiktor Smoczyński

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer and Team Leader at Netguru

— says Wiktor. "The mentors had a lot of knowledge and patience, were happy to answer questions, and the tasks carried out during the workshops showed me the basics of everyday development work. I recommend this event to everyone, regardless of whether you are sure that software development is something you want to do professionally."

Netguru College: PM 2019

Hired as Project Manager ➡️ Now Senior Project Manager

“I’ve attended Netguru College for Project Managers. The biggest benefits for me were the ability to see how a big and sustainable software house functions on a daily basis, what best practices I can borrow,"

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Daria Brylova

Senior Project Manager at Netguru

— explains Daria. " Most importantly, I learned the key values of Project Management at Netguru that allowed me to successfully pass the recruitment process a few months later. I highly recommend Netguru College to anyone who wants to learn best practices within the IT industry, and especially to those who want to get a job in a top-tier IT company.”

What’s the formula of the workshops?

Netguru College is not only a great opportunity to learn valuable skills from experienced developers, but also a chance to get to know the working culture in a software house and network with other participants. 19 out of the 21 past workshops were organized onsite in our offices all over Poland where we could show participants our everyday environment and they could meet face to face. Unfortunately, COVID brought about the challenge of moving our workshops from offline to online. In 2021, we organized two online editions of Netguru College: Frontend (React) and Ruby on Rails. The workshops attracted almost 30 participants each and we divided them into 5 evening sessions lasting 4 hours each.

A survey that we ran showed that learning online is not so bad. Below you can see a question that we asked our participants.

While the biggest disadvantage of online workshops is the lack of live contact and its unique atmosphere, an undoubted advantage is the lack of restrictions when it comes to the locations of the workshops. The participants did not have to wonder how to get to the classes, they just called in from all over Poland.

Who are the mentors?

Our employees are the mentors at each workshop. They are our most valuable assets, therefore we boast about them and use their knowledge and experience. Very often they are people with a passion for teaching or a mission to pass on their knowledge to others.

An NC mentor is not only responsible for running the workshops but also for a number of other things:

  • Setting up a recruitment task which will help the recruitment team verify the applicants.
  • Taking part in organizational meetings.
  • Creating an agenda based on the chosen project and libraries.
  • Preparing the presentation and forms.
  • And of course conducting the workshops.

Join us!

Netguru College gives you an opportunity to make a big step towards becoming a professional developer. If you’re ready to take your coding journey to the next level, wait for the next edition of Netguru College and join us. We’ll be happy to meet you online and hopefully in person.

See you soon!

Photo of Joanna Antkowiak

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Joanna Antkowiak

Joanna graduated in languages but she has been interested in communication, event management and...

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