Who are Netguru Freelancers?

Photo of Magdalena Jeffrey

Magdalena Jeffrey

Updated Aug 21, 2023 • 23 min read

There are two reasons for Netguru’s demand for external talent: insufficient internal capacity or lack of certain technological stack within Netguru.

Most freelancers sign a direct contract with us, so we avoid additional expenses usually paid to agencies. That way, we can also onboard externals according to our standards, as well as familiarize them with our work culture and best practices. It is possible thanks to Netguru's Talent Marketplace - a platform that spans 16 markets and allows Netguru to reach top talent from around the world. Contractors who join the Talent Marketplace enjoy access to interesting projects, as well as the option to work with different teams and gain experience in specific fields.

Who do we hire as freelancers?

To become a freelancer at Netguru, you have to be a mid-level or senior developer. We don’t hire juniors for project-based opportunities, as those projects often require knowledge of more than one technology. We also look for great communication skills in externals, e.g., fluent communication in English, which requires a lot of patience and resilience.

The process of assigning externals to one of our projects tends to be prolonged and require a few vetting calls. Freelancers might also get rejected by a “picky” client… but when they eventually get in, it’s most likely a long-time partnership. 💚

Hence, we appreciate our relationship with each, and every freelancer, and it makes us happy that they want to stay and extend their assignments with Netguru. Based on our last external satisfaction survey, 83% of our freelancers are looking for long-term projects with Netguru.

How do we take care of them?

We are in touch with our freelancers on dedicated Slack channels on a regular basis. Those channels enable easy communication between freelancers and the Netguru Talent Marketplace team.

Besides, our freelancers receive satisfaction surveys every quarter, along with a Staying Connected Newsletter each month, and their work is overseen by our Project Managers and Project Coordinators. We gather every piece of feedback from them or the client concerning external freelancers in the project. Thanks to that, we can reevaluate their skills frequently, and it is easier to increase their rates or prolong their assignment with our clients. We are super happy to see high eNPS from our clients, who share fantastic feedback regarding our external developers' performance. We love to celebrate these moments with them!

To sum up, we want our freelancers to feel like a part of Netguru. We are doing our best to build a community for tech-minded individuals who want to work on a project basis. We aim to include them in our initiatives.

Below, we share with you some insights from our externals regarding their freelancing experience.

We asked them these three questions:

  1. If you could give any advice to a future freelancer at Netguru, what would it be?
  2. Would you like to share something about freelance work that a person working under an employment contract might not understand?
  3. Is your job as a freelancer at NG any different from other freelance jobs you had before?

One of the aspects that stands out is the level of professionalism and the emphasis on communication and collaboration. Additionally, Netguru provides a unique balance of challenging projects and a supportive work environment that fosters growth and learning.

Reza Nehzati

Reza Nehzati

Senior Frontend Developer from Ukraine

Netguru Freelancer since 2020

  1. The most important advice I could give to a future freelancer at Netguru would be to be proactive and not afraid to ask questions. The team here is very supportive and eager to help, but as a freelancer, it’s your responsibility to communicate your needs. Keep learning and upskilling yourself, as the technology landscape is constantly changing.
  2. The primary difference is flexibility. As a freelancer, you have more control over your work hours and the projects you undertake. However, with this flexibility comes the need for self-discipline, time management, and the ability to work independently.
  3. My job as a freelancer at NG is quite different from my previous freelance jobs. One of the aspects that stands out is the level of professionalism and the emphasis on communication and collaboration. Additionally, Netguru provides a unique balance of challenging projects and a supportive work environment that fosters growth and learning.
I absolutely love how transparent everything is at Netguru and that’s not something you see a lot in the industry. With plenty of professionals on the team, collaboration with them is very smooth.
Eleonora Kocharyan

Eleonora Kocharyan

Senior Java Developer from Armenia

Netguru Freelancer since 2022

  1. Trust the process and don't hesitate to ask any questions that might come up regarding the contract, project, onboarding, finance, etc. Everyone at Netguru, with whom I’ve worked so far, has been extremely kind and eager to help!
  2. A common concern I've encountered in others is the fear of being alone and the instability of freelance work. From my experience, I can share that I communicate a lot with my teammates, and we even have game nights after each milestone, so I don't feel a lack of human interaction at all. Instability shouldn't be a concern. If you're confident in your knowledge, you will always find a project to work on. Other advantages of freelancing include the flexibility of working hours and the responsibility you gain from managing your own small business with multiple roles on your shoulders (programmer, accountant, CEO, CTO). The latter will make you more self-aware and motivated to work on yourself, hence improving your “company of one”!
  3. I absolutely love how transparent everything is at Netguru and that’s not something you see a lot in the industry. You can always be confident that you’ll receive honest feedback, and they will appreciate the same from your side. With plenty of professionals on the team, collaboration with them is very smooth.
Working with Netguru is equal to one interview for several prospective jobs. Payment processes are transparent and as reliable as communicated. You also get to work with high-profile clients and interesting projects where you improve yourself while adding value to the client.
Thadeus Ajayi

Thadeus Ajayi

Senior React Native Developer from Nigeria

Netguru Freelancer since 2022

  1. Be sure to understand the details of the contract, what is expected of you and what you are getting from NG. You should be sure to understand the duration of the project, how to handle leaving a previous job or engagement to take on a freelance role, invoicing, payment times, deductibles where applicable. You should be open and seek clarifications on items of concern.
  2. Every freelance work is different and has its unique demands and make up. While there's a great opportunity to work with different clients, projects and teams across the globe at different times, the challenges are always different. Irrespective of your level of experience, you should always be ready to learn new tools and technologies because through your experience, different teams may use different tools you may not be exposed to already.
  3. My job as a freelancer with NG is very different from other freelance jobs and relatively better. There's a robust document of engagement and process for regular review of freelancers on every project. Working with NG is equal to one interview for several prospective jobs. Payment processes are transparent and as reliable as communicated. You also get to work with high-profile clients and interesting projects where you improve yourself while adding value to the client.

Instead of filling out 20 applications a day, you will be informed of a project which might be a good fit for you (...). Netguru is different because its service is more about resolving a problem, and you will be a part of the solution.

Paulo Oliviera

Paulo Oliviera

Senior Frontend with Vue Developer from Portugal

Netguru Freelancer since 2019

  1. The most important piece of advice I have is to understand your financial obligations. These vary greatly according to where you live. You can hire a professional accountant to either explain them to you, or even do your taxes altogether. Not only for compliance with the regulations you are subject to, but also to help you find out if the compensation for your services is sufficient. However, first you have to find out what your first assignment will be. You may work on projects built by Netguru itself, or your services may be outsourced to one of its clients. Knowing this in advance is essential to determining the people you will be working with daily together with the technical stack they use, and how they work.
  2. Well, being a freelancer means you signed a contract to provide the expertise you already have, rather than the one you would like to gain in the upcoming years. Being a freelancer, you are expected to board a moving train and get things done without figuring out the whole picture. Since you are a freelancer on a project basis, it is good to remember that the opportunity for self-improvement is limited. Another challenge is the lack of face-to-face meetings and social events. There is also this bittersweet feeling you might get from time to time (I certainly get it once in a while). However, my opinions were never disregarded simply because I am a freelancer, so I suggest you just try to develop a thick skin.
  3. Yes, but strictly for the better. I started to work as a freelancer at Upwork. To sign a contract there, you have to win a client first. And you will have dozens of other freelancers competing with you for this client. Netguru can already boast many clients and projects. Instead of filling out 20 applications a day, you will be informed of a project which might be a good fit for you. And, once you agree that such a project is interesting to you, someone from Netguru will ask you to prepare for a couple of interviews. Netguru is different because its service is more about resolving a problem, and you will be a part of the solution. It is also worth mentioning the kind of projects you might want to work on. Netguru has some really big clients with well-developed products and advanced processes that can get complicated. I happen to prefer those because, in such projects, high quality is a must.

Cooperation with Netguru is based on honesty and trust. You see their distinctive and strong management skills, high performance, and you want to achieve this level, too.

Mariia Verbytska

Mariia Verbytska

Illustrator from Ukraine

Netguru Freelancer since 2020; recently Mariia hired by Netguru internally

  1. Don't be afraid to ask questions and share your feedback. Netguru is an open-minded and friendly company, and our improvements are built on sharing the knowledge and different points of view. This is how we grow.
  2. When you're a freelancer, you have to rely on yourself. You can't ask your colleague, who also works as an illustrator, for the feedback this is because usually, you're the only specialist in a project. All the same, you can always discuss stuff with your team. I was constantly improving myself and, I would say, fighting for the projects because I really wanted to work in such a great company. The bottom line is, besides vector illustrations, I can do animation and 3D, among others.
  3. Yes, of course. Whenever you have a new client as a freelancer, you're a bit worried about how they will behave. However, cooperation with Netguru is based on honesty and trust. They show us their approach to work, i.e., how to make presentations, use Toggl Track or other tools properly, sync every day, take notes after meeting, record videos with important information and then put it in the proper folders. Every now and then, people from Netguru may reach you and ask if everything is clear or if you need any help. You see their distinctive and strong management skills, high performance, and you want to achieve this level, too.
At Netguru, the approach is refreshingly different. They already have an established client base and a variety of ongoing projects. Instead of constantly pitching myself to potential clients, I receive project opportunities directly from Netguru.
Anday Ismayilzada-1

Anday Ismayilzada

Senior React Native Developer from Azerbaijan based in Hungary

Netguru Freelancer since 2023

  1. As a freelancer, time management and organization are paramount. Set clear work hours, establish a dedicated workspace, and create a schedule that allows for a healthy work-life balance. Be disciplined in meeting deadlines and communicating effectively with clients and team members. Productivity tools and techniques can significantly boost your efficiency and ensure a smooth workflow. Overall, embrace the freedom and flexibility of freelancing, but also be prepared to adapt, learn, and stay disciplined. By combining technical expertise, networking, time management, and a strong reputation, you can thrive as a freelancer at Netguru.

  2. Having experience as both a full-time contractor and a freelancer at Netguru makes my case unique because I have seen the pros and cons of both roles. As a full-time contractor, I enjoyed the stability of a consistent income and access to employee benefits. I was an integral part of the team, with opportunities for professional growth and development within the company.

    However, for the same project as a full-time contractor, you gain less income than if you work as a freelancer. On the other hand, as a freelancer, I relished the freedom and autonomy to select the projects I wanted to work on and set my own working hours. This level of control was empowering and allowed me to align my work with my passions and interests. Moreover, as a person who does not adore meetings, after moving to a freelancer corporation, I had fewer meetings to attend, which gave me more spare time for work and leisure. However, freelancing also came with its challenges, such as the uncertainty of income and the need to actively market myself to find new clients. As a freelancer, I sometimes miss the sense of belonging and camaraderie that comes with being part of a permanent team.

  3. Yes, my experience as a freelancer at Netguru is quite different from other freelance jobs I had before, and I must say it's a positive change overall. I started my freelance journey on various famous freelance platforms, where securing a contract often involved fierce competition with many other freelancers vying for the same clients. This process required submitting numerous proposals and hoping to stand out among the crowd. However, at Netguru, the approach is refreshingly different. They already have an established client base and a variety of ongoing projects. Instead of constantly pitching myself to potential clients, I receive project opportunities directly from Netguru. When a suitable project aligns with my skills and interests, they inform me about it, and if I'm interested, I get the chance to prepare for a couple of interviews if the client wishes to do so. This streamlined process allows me to focus more on showcasing my expertise and discussing how I can contribute to solving the client's problems. In summary, my experience as a freelancer at Netguru has been a step up from my previous freelance jobs. The platform's established client base, direct project opportunities, and focus on solving complex issues have made my freelancing journey more fulfilling and rewarding.

Netguru provides me with a number of great opportunities and projects. The team is kind, friendly, and attentive to details. They always keep in mind your interest and try to offer you the best projects possible.


Anastasiia M.

Data Engineer from Ukraine

Netguru Freelancer since 2020

  1. Netguru provides me with a number of great opportunities and projects. The team is kind, friendly, and attentive to details. They always keep in mind your interest and try to offer you the best projects possible.
    Before starting, though, make sure that you know a new project well (in terms of its technical stack, requirements for the PC, etc.) and that you are a good fit for it.
  2. As a freelancer, you have a bit more flexibility than a regular employee (it mostly depends on the project you work on, but you have a bit more freedom anyway). One downside is that you’re not eligible for paid days off or sick leaves.
  3. Netguru is a good company with plenty of great people. You never feel lost, and you can be sure that they are doing everything to make your work life enjoyable. Project coordinators are always open to hearing your thoughts about the project and doing their best to solve any issues that may arise. In case of any problems, the Netguru team does their best to support you.

Working with Netguru is a different story when compared to my previous freelance experience. When working on a client's project, I don’t feel any difference, if I’d work in the client's company directly.

Maksym Velychko

Maksym Velychko

Senior Frontend Developer from Ukraine

Netguru Freelancer since 2019

  1. Be yourself at any point at your work. Apply and expand your soft skills, so it’s easy and efficient to communicate with you. Apply and strengthen your technical skills to build the best products. Assist your colleagues and be proactive.
  2. It’s always remote work. You are free to choose what will be your next project. As you become stronger and a very valuable engineer, your hourly rate grows higher. Working as a freelancer, you can also find the project where you’ll contribute as you’d do when working directly, so it's important to decide wisely.
  3. Working with Netguru is a different story when compared to my previous freelance experience. When working on a client's project, I don’t feel any difference, if I’d work in the client's company directly. So I’m dedicated 100% to the product team, where I can always bring my ideas and improve the product.

A big shout-out and thank you to our freelancers for sharing their perspectives on freelance work. I appreciate the fact that they didn’t try to sugarcoat the lot of a freelancer. After all, self-employed contributors are responsible for all sorts of things traditional employees don’t have to worry about. They have to take care of setting their work hours, keeping track of the time spent on different projects, billing their clients, as well as paying their employment and business taxes. While it requires great effort to do all these chores, it gives them the freedom to choose both the project and its collaborators.

If you’re a freelancer who wants to gather diverse experience and work with people from all over the world, learning the skills that are important to you, join the Netguru Talent Marketplace today.

Netguru Talent Marketplace in a nutshell.

  • As of today, how many freelancers are working with Netguru?
    Currently, we are in regular touch with 130 freelancers who signed the contract but are not involved in a project at the moment. Additionally, 87 freelancers are currently working on our projects (49 of them, i.e., more than 50%, were contracted via Netguru Talent Marketplace and 38 via agencies).
  • Where are they from?
    Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, Greece, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Hungary, Portugal, Armenia, Romania, Macedonia, Morocco, Croatia, Brazil, and Sri Lanka – to name a few. Today, we can collaborate with and hire freelancers from different corners of the world, which is wonderful and makes us very proud members of a highly diverse team.
Photo of Magdalena Jeffrey

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Magdalena Jeffrey

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