Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Services

Utilize shared code across multiple platforms to expand your app's user base.

Let’s work together!

Cross-platform app development - An overview

Cross-platform app development is an approach where a single codebase is used to create applications that can run on multiple operating systems, such as iOS and Android. Unlike native apps, where distinct platform-specific code is authored, often requiring separate developers or teams, custom mobile app development maintains a unified codebase. This approach streamlines the development process, allowing the team to simultaneously target both platforms, ultimately saving time and effort.

The advantages of cross-platform mobile development

Cross-platform development offers cost and time efficiencies in contrast to native app development

  • Cost savings. Developing a single codebase that can be used across multiple platforms reduces the overall development and maintenance costs.
  • Faster development. Cross-platform development often results in faster time-to-market because you're writing code once and can deploy it on multiple platforms.
  • Broader reach. You can reach a wider audience by targeting multiple platforms simultaneously, which can be especially valuable if your target customer base uses a variety of devices and operating systems.
  • Consistent user experience. Cross-platform frameworks aim to provide a consistent look and feel across different platforms, ensuring that users have a similar experience regardless of the device they use.

Cross-platform development company

Developing a cross-platform mobile application with Kotlin Multiplatform.

Netguru's expertise in cross-platform mobile development lies in its Kotlin Multiplatform team, which offers comprehensive guidance and assistance throughout the app development journey.

Whether your company aims to expedite development and optimize costs, Netguru's KMM developers can help you create a cross-platform app while maintaining a native user experience, resulting in a remarkable 30-50% reduction in development time.

With an experienced team of mobile app development specialists, Netguru provides support across the spectrum, including market research, product design, and app release.


Cross-platform development solutions

The Netguru team will assist you in mobile app development tailored to your business requirements while maximizing the utilization of your resources.

  • Cross-platform app development from scratch. Building your new cross-platform app, guiding it from conceptualization to a market-ready product.
  • Extending an already established native app. Adapting the existing native codebase to work with a cross-platform framework.
  • Native UI solutions. Incorporating functionalities related to the camera, augmented reality (AR), machine learning, or intricate animations.

Our experts in Cross-platform development: How we work

We have a team of experienced crosss-platform engineers who can help you with everything from defining your idea, building cross-platform software to performing tests and maintaining finished product.
  1. Planning. Discovering client's goals and needs of cross-platform app to deliver business value.
  2. Execution. Building an app from concept to launch with our cross-platform engineers.
  3. Testing. Assuring the top quality of your app across all platforms to polish user experience.
  4. Maintenance. Insuring the product consistent operation and introducing new features on the go.

Developing an interactive demo of an energy management system using Kotlin Multiplatform

Highlighting the most essential functions.

The demonstration emulated energy consumption forecasts by selecting a specific date and time, then presented these forecasts alongside actual consumption data for comparison. This was achieved through a custom machine learning model. Netguru also designed wireframes for the visualization of the energy management system.

Netguru's role encompassed:

  • Leveraging data science and UI design expertise to create a polished demo within a challenging time frame.
  • Advising the client on practical, viable solutions that would maximize the value of their product.
Read the client story
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Commonly asked questions about cross-platform app development

Learn about all aspects of mobile cross-platforms applications development

When a business should choose cross-platform mobile app development over native mobile app development?

A business should choose cross-platform mobile app development over native app development in the following scenarios:

Limited resources: When you have budget constraints or a shortage of development resources, cross-platform development can be more cost-effective as it allows you to maintain a single codebase for multiple platforms.

Faster time-to-market: If you need to release your app quickly, cross-platform development can expedite the process by reusing code across platforms, giving you a competitive edge.

Targeting multiple platforms: When your target audience uses a variety of devices and operating systems, cross-platform development can help you reach a broader user base with a unified app over native apps. 

Simple app requirements: For apps with relatively straightforward functionalities that do not heavily rely on platform-specific features, cross-platform development is a suitable choice.

Maintenance efficiency: Cross-platform apps are easier to maintain, making it a good choice for long-term projects with ongoing updates and improvements.

Consistent user experience: When maintaining a consistent user experience across different platforms is a priority, cross-platform development ensures uniformity.

However, it's important to note that for apps with complex, platform-specific features, high-performance demands, or a need for the latest platform capabilities, native development may be a more suitable choice. The decision should be based on your specific project requirements and objectives.

When is a native app development a better idea for a mobile app development?

You should choose native app development over cross-platform app development in the following situations:

  • Platform-specific features: When your app relies heavily on platform-specific features that are unique to a particular operating system (iOS or Android), native development allows you to leverage these features fully.
  • High-performance requirements: Apps with high-performance demands, such as graphic-intensive games or applications that require complex computations, often perform better when developed natively.
  • Rich user experience: If delivering a highly polished and platform-specific user experience is a top priority, native development provides greater control over design and interaction elements.
  • Hardware and sensors: Apps that require access to specialized hardware or sensors (e.g., NFC, Bluetooth, GPS) may benefit from native development, which often provides more direct and robust access to these features.
  • Speed and responsiveness: Native apps can offer faster loading times and smoother interactions, which can be crucial for certain types of applications.
  • Complexity and scalability: For large-scale, complex projects with multiple features and extensive codebases, native development allows for better control, organization, and long-term scalability.
  • Optimal performance and efficiency: In scenarios where squeezing the last bit of performance or optimizing resource usage is essential, native development may be the preferred choice.
  • Long-term viability: If you foresee the need for ongoing maintenance and updates for several years, native development can be a more sustainable choice.
  • User expectations: In some cases, users have specific expectations for a native look and feel. For instance, iOS users may expect an app to adhere to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, and Android users may expect Material Design principles to be followed.

It's important to note that while native development offers advantages in these scenarios, it typically involves higher development costs and may require separate development teams for each platform. 

What are the most common technology stacks to build a cross-platform app with?

  • Kotlin Multiplatform: KMM allows you to share code between Android and iOS apps using the Kotlin programming language.
  • React Native: Developed by Facebook, React Native allows you to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It's widely used and offers a large ecosystem of libraries and components.
  • Flutter: Created by Google, Flutter uses the Dart programming language to build native-like apps. It's known for its fast development and expressive UI.

How does Kotlin Multiplatform distinguish itself from Flutter and React Native?

Unlike Flutter or React Native, KMP does not seek to replace them; instead, it augments native development, offering the advantage of cost-saving and streamlined maintenance.

Kotlin Multiplatform serves as an indispensable solution to address the growing demand for cross-platform app availability, eliminating the need to duplicate code.

In terms of UI rendering, KMP retains the native approach, maintaining separate UI for Android and iOS. However, for business logic, it employs Kotlin, which can be shared between platforms, resulting in a potential code reuse of up to 70%.

Can I build desktop applications with cross-platform app development?

Yes, you can build desktop applications using cross-platform app development frameworks. These frameworks allow you to create applications that can run on various platforms in desktop operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, using a single codebase.

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