11 Ember.js Resources You Must Check Out

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Updated Mar 7, 2023 • 6 min read

Boost your web development skills with our list of top Ember.js resources.

Whether you are just starting out, at the intermediate level or an advanced web developer, you are sure to find some useful tips to take your programming and JavaScript projects to the next level.

Boost your web development skills with our list of top Ember.js resources. Whether you are just starting out, at the intermediate level, or an advanced web developer, you are sure to find some useful tips to take your programming and JavaScript projects to the next level.

Ember.js Guides

Ember.js guides take you from a total novice to an expert developer with easy to follow instructions that gradually introduce more sophisticated concepts as you go along. You will learn everything from how to get started to contributing your own codes to the Ember.js database. Follow the guides in order or jump to any section that interests you the most.

Ember Weekly

Stay on top of the latest news, tips and code with the Ember.js weekly newsletter. Delivered right to your inbox every week and if you ever miss an issue or want to look up something from the past, simply browse through previous issues. Information is curated by Owain Williams. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Ember Tutorial

The Ember Tutorial by Vic Ramon is an introduction to the Ember JS framework. You will learn how to build Ember apps with Ruby on Rails as the backend. Along the way all underlying concepts, just as the Ember Object, Ember Route and Ember View will be fully explained. You can choose to work in CoffeeScript or JavaScript.

Ember-cli 101

Ember-cli 101 is the perfect book for people just getting started with Ember applications. You will work on real world applications that teach you how to use Ember.js and the main features you'll need to know when using Ember-cli. The book was created by Adolfo Builes and is updated constantly to keep up with changes to Ember.

Ember Run Loop Ebook

Are you a fan of Ember already and looking for more specific info about its features? Kuba, one of our developers, has put together an ebook about Ember Run Loop. It's a dozen-page guide that shows you why Ember Run Loop is a great solution to streamline your work and how to use it properly.

Ember Watch

Want to talk about Ember.js with like-minded people from all over the world? If yes, then Ember Watch is the place for you. Here you can ask questions, answer questions, view tutorial videos, find books, see examples and so much more. There's plenty of information here for all web developers from beginner to advanced.

Ember.js Codeschool

At the Ember.js Codeschool, Adam Fortuna and Gregg Pollack demystify the Ember.js JavaScript framework. The course shows you how to build applications from the ground up with Ember.js and Twitter Bootstrap. Start as a beginner and come out as a pro. There are seven levels, each with instructional videos and challenges to give you hands-on experience as you learn.

From Rails to Ember

As you know, we're all about Ruby on Rails, so we couldn't miss this guide, connecting our beloved Rails and Ember. It's a fresh resource with more content coming soon, but the tips published so far are definitely worth looking into. Brought to you by Chris Ball.

Ember Reading Group resources on GitHub

Ember-reading-group's goal is to prepare developers for building real production applications in EmberJS 2.0. The repository includes a vast list of video resources, and a few other links to help you acquaint knowledge about Ember.js quickly and easily.

EmberConf 2015: Test-Driven Development

If you didn’t know how to start writing tests for your Ember.js apps, after watching this video there’s no excuse. Toran Billups builds an app on your very eyes, using tests-first approach and giving you a great introduction into testing. All in just half an hour!

Ember Observer

Are you already working with Ember and looking for handy add-ons to facilitate your coding? This tool was created especially for you. Ember Observer provides handy search for Ember.js with gems neatly grouped into categories and an option to review and compare them.

We hope this list of resources will help to extend your skills and expertise in Ember.js. Are you using any of these already? Or maybe you would like to share other valuable links? Join the discussion in the comments!

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