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Top 7 Ruby on Rails Podcasts

Photo of Netguru


Updated Jan 10, 2024 • 5 min read

Are you one of those who open countless tabs in your browser, promising yourself to read all these Ruby on Rails blog posts and tutorials someday?

The following podcasts can help to familiarize you with some of the most interesting features of Ruby on Rails.

Are you one of those who open countless tabs in your browser while searching for great Ruby on Rails resources, promising yourself to read all these blog posts and tutorials someday? There's a solution to bring yourself a more digestive daily portion of knowledge: podcasts.

They are a great way to learn. Podcasts deliver information quickly and in an easy-to-digest format. You can even listen to a podcast while you do something else, like walking to work or riding the bus. The following podcasts can help to familiarize you with some of the most interesting features of Ruby on Rails.


Every Tuesday and Friday, the experts hosting Ruby5 discuss the latest news and trends in the Ruby on Rails developer community. With more than 500 episodes available in the archive, Ruby5 is one of the most well-established RoR podcasts. Although the podcast is aimed at developers who are already familiar with the Rails framework, beginners can find plenty of useful Ruby on Rails resources at codeschool.com, which hosts the Ruby5 podcast.

Ruby Rogues

Ruby Rogues is a weekly panel discussion podcast. The scope covers most aspects of Ruby on Rails development, including tools, libraries, and even career opportunities for a Ruby on Rails developer. The host of the show varies from week to week, so you'll never get bored of listening to this topical RoR podcast. There's something for everyone here, from tips on code documentation, which could be useful listening for beginner programmers, to in-depth discussions on Ruby on Rails development careers.

The Ruby Show

Hosts Peter Cooper and Jason Seifer describe The Ruby Show as "the best Ruby-related podcast of all time." Although it hasn't updated since March 2013, the archive is a treasure trove of information about Ruby 2.0 and Rails 4. If you know a little about Ruby on Rails but want to develop your skills further, check out the episodes on Rails best practices.


RailsCasts is another great archive of Ruby on Rails screencasts to check out. This incredibly useful series features information about Ruby on Rails development tools, programming principles, and tips for upgrading applications to Rails 4. The author is Ryan Bates.

5by5 - The Ruby on Rails Podcast

On The Ruby on Rails Podcast, host Sean Devine (and many others!) interviews Rails developers about their careers and trends in the Ruby on Rails community. Beginners will find the discussions about learning Rails useful, while more experienced developers are likely to be interested in the coverage of RailsConf.

Destroy All Software Screencasts

Destroy All Software screencasts are designed for serious Ruby on Rails developers. Even though the resources will not be updated anymore, they're still worth looking into for the real Ruby beef. They focus on advanced topics, such as the implications of test-driven development and the use of test suites. These topics are delivered in bite-sized screenshots of around 10 to 15 minutes in length. The author is Gary Bernhardt.


RubyTapas author Avdi Grimm promises to take Ruby and Rails developers to "the next level of code mastery." This lofty goal is achieved through a series of short screencasts, released twice weekly, which introduce a variety of advanced Ruby and Rails concepts and techniques. There's a strong focus on object-oriented design and a willingness to dig down into the nuts and bolts of the code. RubyTapas is a great resource for Ruby and Rails developers. Although the full series is behind a paywall, some useful samples are offered for free.

Are you an experienced Ruby on Rails developer who can't get enough of Rails podcasts and screencasts? If so, we'd love to hear from you - we're constantly growing our team, so feel free to take a look at our career path and open positions.

Netguru also organizes free RoR workshops for programmers who are still getting to grips with the Rails framework - why not join us to see what you can learn? See the workshop agenda for 2015 and pick your nearest location!

Eager to learn more? Try these online resources to master Rails and top free online Ruby tutorials. Enjoy!

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