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Staff Augmentation vs. Managed Services: Key Differences

Photo of Kacper Rafalski

Kacper Rafalski

Updated Jun 19, 2024 • 15 min read
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In the fast-paced realm of modern business, organizations are perpetually on the lookout for strategies that provide an edge in the race to outpace competitors, enhance operational efficiency, and drive down costs.

This quest has led to the spotlight falling on two prominent outsourcing approaches: staff augmentation and managed services.

While both hold promise, the question remains: which path aligns best with your organization's goals? Delve into the following exploration to unearth the nuances, advantages, and factors to ponder for each model. By doing so, you will empower yourself to arrive at an informed decision, one that complements your unique business needs and aspirations.

Short Summary

  • Staff Augmentation and Managed Services are two prominent outsourcing models that offer businesses the ability to streamline processes, reduce costs and access specialized expertise.

  • Staff augmentation provides greater flexibility & scalability than managed services while offering cost-effectiveness for short-term needs.

  • Organizations should assess their business needs in order to determine the most suitable model & weigh pros/cons of both options before deciding on best option for their needs.

Understanding Staff Augmentation vs. Managed Services

Outsourcing has become an essential strategy for many businesses looking to streamline processes, reduce costs, and access specialized expertise. Two prominent outsourcing models are staff augmentation and managed services, each designed to cater to specific business needs and requirements.

Staff augmentation focuses on providing additional personnel to execute a project or fill skill gaps, while managed services involve outsourcing the management and maintenance of a specific function or process to an external provider.

With more than 15 years of experience, we have provided top professionals to various organizations, helping them tackle complex projects and skill shortages.

Let’s dive deeper into these two models to help you make an informed decision for your organization.

Defining Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is the temporary addition of external professionals to an existing team for specific projects or skill gaps. This model allows companies to access top talent without the long-term commitment and costs associated with hiring permanent employees. Staff augmentation offers organizations complete control over their projects, enabling them to manage resources and timelines effectively.

This outsourcing model is especially advantageous for short-term requirements, such as large projects, or when a specialized skill set is needed for a limited period. The cost-effectiveness of staff augmentation can significantly benefit organizations when compared to hiring full-time employees or choosing to outsource entire projects to managed services providers.

What Are Managed Services?

Managed services involve outsourcing entire business functions to a third-party provider for long-term support and maintenance. This model typically covers functions such as:

  • Cloud infrastructure maintenance,

  • Security,

  • Backup recovery,

  • and Platform migration.

A managed service provider (MSP) is responsible for overseeing the program, ensuring smooth operations and compliance with service level agreements. As one of the leading managed service providers, we take pride in our ability to deliver exceptional service to our clients, always striving to meet and exceed the expectations set forth in our service level agreement.

Managed services are the optimal choice for long-term support and maintenance, as it allows organizations to focus on their core business activities while the MSP handles the outsourced functions. However, it is crucial to choose the right managed services provider, as an inappropriate provider may lead to significant issues and misaligned objectives.

Comparing the Two Models: Staff Augmentation and Managed Services

To better understand the differences between staff augmentation and managed services, we need to compare them in terms of flexibility, costs, and control. Staff augmentation centers on providing additional personnel and proficiency to execute a project or fill a skill gap, while managed services involve outsourcing the management and maintenance of a certain function or process to an external provider.

In terms of flexibility, staff augmentation is more adaptable, as it allows the incorporation of personnel into an existing team for a particular project or period. Managed services are more cost-effective, as they involve outsourcing the management and maintenance of a specific function or process to an external provider.

With respect to control, staff augmentation grants organizations more control over their projects, while managed services give providers more control over the service.

Flexibility and Scalability

Staff augmentation offers greater flexibility and scalability when compared to managed services. By allowing organizations to quickly scale specific functions, staff augmentation provides the ability to rapidly adjust to changing needs and demands. This is particularly beneficial for companies experiencing fluctuations in workload or facing unique challenges that require specialized skills.

Managed services, on the other hand, offer a more comprehensive approach to IT management, with the provider assuming responsibility for the successful delivery of service commitments. While managed services may be more accommodating in terms of adapting to varying needs and demands, they often do not provide the same level of flexibility and scalability that staff augmentation offers. In this context, understanding the key differences between augmentation vs. managed services is crucial for businesses to make informed decisions.

Costs and Budgeting

Staff augmentation can be more cost-effective for short-term needs, as organizations only pay for the time worked by the outsourced staff. This model is especially beneficial when only a few employees are needed for a specific project or skill gap, as the cost of staff augmentation is generally lower than engaging a managed service provider (MSP) for the same purpose.

Managed services require a consistent investment to fulfil long-term needs. This investment is necessary for successful outcomes. Although the fixed fee charged for services provided may be higher than the cost of staff augmentation for short-term projects, managed services can save software development costs in the long run by streamlining operations, enhancing security, and providing long-term support and maintenance.

Level of Control and Oversight

When it comes to control and oversight, staff augmentation offers organizations more control over their projects. Clients can select specific tasks and determine the timeline for completion, ensuring that the project meets their expectations and requirements. This level of control enables organizations to closely monitor project progress and make adjustments as needed to meet objectives and deadlines.

In contrast, managed services provide the provider with a higher level of control over the project, as they are responsible for ensuring the successful delivery of the service commitments. This may require organizations to relinquish some control to the provider, potentially resulting in a different approach to project management and execution. However, managed services providers often have extensive experience and expertise, ensuring that the outsourced functions are managed effectively and efficiently.

Advantages of Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation offers several benefits to organizations, including access to top talent, cost-effectiveness, and increased flexibility. By providing access to a pool of skilled professionals, staff augmentation enables companies to tackle complex projects and address skill shortages without the need for long-term commitments or additional permanent staff.

Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of staff augmentation allows organizations to save costs by only paying for the services they require, making it an attractive option for short-term projects and fluctuating workloads.

Access to Top Talent

By utilizing staff augmentation, companies can:

  • Tap into a pool of skilled professionals for specific projects or skill gaps.

  • Access top talent without the long-term commitment and costs associated with hiring permanent employees.

  • Quickly and conveniently access the highest quality talent in the industry on an as-needed basis.

  • Ensure that they have the right expertise to tackle even the most challenging projects.

Staff augmentation allows organizations to access top talent without the long-term commitment and costs associated with hiring permanent employees, providing them with the flexibility and expertise they need to succeed.

Having access to top talent can significantly impact the success of a project, as it ensures that the right skills and expertise are available to navigate complex challenges and meet strict deadlines. This is particularly beneficial for companies that need specialized skills for a limited period or face unique challenges that require specific expertise.


Staff augmentation can be more cost-effective for short-term needs, as organizations only pay for the time worked by the outsourced staff. This allows companies to save costs by only paying for the services they require, making it an attractive option for short-term projects and fluctuating workloads.

Moreover, staff augmentation enables organizations to avoid the long-term costs associated with hiring permanent employees, such as benefits, training, and overhead expenses. The cost-effectiveness of staff augmentation can significantly benefit companies, especially when compared to hiring full-time employees or outsourcing entire projects to managed services providers.

By providing access to skilled professionals on an as-needed basis, staff augmentation allows organizations to optimize their resources and budget, ensuring that they can complete projects efficiently and cost-effectively.

Increased Flexibility

Staff augmentation provides increased flexibility, allowing organizations to:

  • Scale their teams up or down as needed.

  • Rapidly adjust to changing needs and demands.

  • Adapt their teams quickly and efficiently.

  • Remain agile and responsive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

By offering the ability to scale the entire team according to current requirements, staff augmentation helps organizations stay flexible and adaptable.

Increased flexibility is particularly important for organizations experiencing fluctuations in workload or facing unique challenges that require specialized skills. Staff augmentation enables companies to:

  • Quickly access the skills and expertise they need for a limited period.

  • Tackle complex projects.

  • Address skill shortages.

  • Avoid long-term commitments or additional permanent staff.

This allows companies to effectively manage their workforce and adapt to changing needs without compromising productivity or incurring unnecessary costs.

Advantages of Managed Services

Managed services offer a range of benefits, including streamlined operations, enhanced security, and long-term support. By outsourcing entire business functions to a third-party provider, organizations can focus on their core business activities while the managed services provider handles the outsourced functions. This allows organizations to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and access specialized expertise, making managed services an attractive option for long-term support and maintenance.

Managed services provide organizations with a cost-effective way to access specialized expertise and maintain their operations through a managed services company, utilizing the managed services model.

Streamlined Operations

Managed services help organizations streamline their operations by outsourcing entire business functions to a third-party provider. This allows companies to focus on their core business activities, as the provider assumes responsibility for overseeing and maintaining the outsourced functions.

Streamlined operations can result in:

  • Improved efficiency,

  • Cost reduction,

  • Proactive monitoring and maintenance,

  • And expert support.

This allows organizations to focus on their core competencies and drive growth.

However, it is essential to consider the potential drawbacks of managed services when it comes to streamlined operations. A lack of control over the outsourced functions, potential security risks, and a lack of flexibility are potential drawbacks of managed services. Companies should weigh these factors against the benefits before deciding on the right outsourcing model for their unique situation.

Enhanced Security

Managed services providers (MSPs) often offer enhanced security measures and risk management strategies to safeguard data and systems from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. These measures may include:

MSPs ensure that systems remain secure and compliant with industry regulations and standards.

Enhanced security measures can help organizations in the following ways:

  • Protect their data and systems from unauthorized access and malicious activities,

  • Reduce the chances of data breaches and other security incidents,

  • Assist in adhering to industry regulations and standards,

  • Maintain a strong security posture,

  • And protect their reputation in the marketplace.

Long-term Support and Maintenance

Managed services provide long-term support and maintenance, allowing organizations to focus on their core business functions. By outsourcing the management and upkeep of specific functions or processes to an external provider, companies can ensure that their systems remain up-to-date and secure, while also receiving expert support and guidance on an ongoing basis.

This long-term support and maintenance can be particularly beneficial for organizations that require specialized expertise or have limited internal resources. By outsourcing these functions to a managed services provider, companies can access the skills and knowledge they need to maintain their systems and infrastructure, while also freeing up internal resources to focus on other strategic initiatives.

Choosing the Right Model for Your Organization

Choosing the right outsourcing model depends on assessing your business needs and weighing the pros and cons of each option. Staff augmentation and managed services both offer unique solutions to the challenges companies face, but the optimal choice will depend on factors such as project duration, required level of control, and specific business requirements.

By considering these factors and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each model, organizations can make an informed decision on the best outsourcing option for their unique situation.

Assessing Your Business Needs

Companies should evaluate their specific needs, project duration, and required level of control when choosing between staff augmentation and managed services. To accurately assess your business needs, it is essential to consider the scope of the project, the timeline, and the resources available, including the role of a project manager.

By taking these factors into account, organizations can make an informed decision on the best outsourcing model for their unique situation.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Weighing the pros and cons of each model can help organizations make an informed decision on the best outsourcing option for their unique situation. Staff augmentation offers access to top talent, cost-effectiveness, and increased flexibility, making it an attractive option for short-term projects and fluctuating workloads.

On the other hand, managed services provide streamlined operations, improved security, and long-term support and maintenance, making them an ideal choice for organizations requiring ongoing assistance and expert guidance.

By considering the cost, flexibility, and control of each option, organizations can determine which outsourcing model best aligns with their needs and objectives, ensuring that they make the most of their resources and achieve the desired outcomes for their projects.


In conclusion, staff augmentation and managed services offer unique solutions to help organizations optimize their operations, reduce costs, and access specialized expertise. By carefully assessing their specific needs, project duration, and required level of control, organizations can make an informed decision on the best outsourcing model for their unique situation.

Ultimately, the choice between staff augmentation and managed services depends on each organization’s individual requirements and objectives, as both models provide distinct advantages and potential drawbacks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is staff augmentation services?

Staff augmentation is a type of outsourcing model that uses temporary workers to supplement a company’s internal workforce and fill short-term job positions.

How does staff augmentation provide increased flexibility?

Staff augmentation provides increased flexibility by enabling organizations to scale their teams up or down quickly as needed, allowing them to adapt to changing needs and demands.

This flexibility allows organizations to respond quickly to changing market conditions, customer demands, and other external factors. It also allows them to focus on core competencies and outsource non-essential tasks.

Staff augmentation can also help.

How do managed services providers enhance security?

Managed services providers offer data encryption, authentication protocols, and access control to protect data and systems from unauthorized access and malicious attacks, enhancing overall security.

Photo of Kacper Rafalski

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Kacper Rafalski

Kacper is an experienced digital marketing manager with core expertise built around search engine...
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