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How Voice Search Is Revolutionizing Online Shopping?

Photo of Paulina Pasławska

Paulina Pasławska

Updated Jul 11, 2024 • 18 min read

Voice search is reshaping online shopping, altering how we browse and purchase goods on the internet.

This innovative technology allows users to ask questions and issue commands to devices with a simple vocal cue—eliminating the need to lift a finger. Its impact extends beyond mere convenience; voice search is fundamentally transforming the landscape of online shopping, rendering the experience smoother, more efficient, and potentially more enjoyable.

In this article, we will delve into the future of voice search and how it is propelling online shopping into a more consumer-centric realm.

The emergence of voice search technology

The tale of voice search is a tech narrative that began modestly. Its origins trace back to 1952 when Bell Laboratories introduced 'Audrey,' a pioneering technology capable of recognizing spoken digits from a single voice.

Since that groundbreaking moment, voice search has undergone significant evolution. Initially, it was a basic feature on phones, primarily used for simple tasks. However, its potential quickly expanded.

By the mid-2010s, virtual assistants like Siri and Google Assistant emerged, significantly enhancing the voice command experience. Now, smart speakers such as Amazon's Echo and Google Home have seamlessly integrated into our living spaces, simplifying tasks like adjusting lighting and setting timers.

This shift from being confined to our pockets to becoming a staple in our homes signifies the ascendance of voice searches, poised to revolutionize the way we approach shopping.

Voice search popularity and usage statistics

A study conducted by Statista unveiled that a staggering 142 million individuals utilize voice search technology, showcasing its widespread adoption.

Remarkably, 50% of the population in the United States employs this technology on a daily basis. Beyond casual conversation and reminders, voice search has seamlessly transitioned into a tool for shopping.

Reports affirm that 33.2 million consumers in the US have harnessed voice search to make purchases, underscoring the expanding influence of our voices in the realm of online shopping. This trend encompasses a broad spectrum, from everyday groceries to cutting-edge gadgets.

The convenience of effortlessly posing inquiries while engaged in other activities such as doing dishes or driving contributes to the continual surge in the popularity of voice search.

How does voice commerce work?

Essentially, voice search technology enables users to search for information by speaking, eliminating the need for typing. This technology functions by converting spoken words into text through automatic speech recognition (ASR) software. The ASR software then processes and analyzes the text, searching for corresponding results within a database. Subsequently, the results are presented to the user in a structured format, such as a list.

Voice search proves versatile, catering to a wide array of informational needs including directions, weather updates, facts, sports scores, news, product inquiries, web pages, and more. It facilitates a natural interaction with technology, closely resembling our conversational style of communication.

What distinguishes voice search from traditional text-based queries in a Google search is its conversational and user-friendly nature. Unlike the act of typing keywords, voice searches often mimic natural language, resembling a conversation with a friend. This shift necessitates search engines to adjust their algorithms to grasp context, intent, and user behavior more effectively.

For instance, someone typing "best Italian restaurants" might seek general recommendations, whereas a voice query such as "What are the top Italian restaurants near me?" will yield more specific, location-based search results, utilizing platforms like Google Maps and other location-finding services.

The role of natural language processing (NLP)

In this context, close connections can be drawn between voice search and natural language processing (NLP), which is also used to convert spoken words into text using ASR. NLP is used to understand the intent of the user's query. This is important because voice search queries are often more natural and conversational than text-based queries.

For example, a user might ask, "Find me comfortable office shoes for everyone," but they might type "office shoes" for speed. NLP helps understand the meaning of the query so that the voice search engine can return the most relevant results.

NLP is also utilized to personalize the results of voice search. This takes into account the user's location, interests, and past search history. So if a user has previously searched for information about restaurants, the voice search engine might prioritize results based on the user's location when the user asks something like, "Where should I eat today?"

Another element of this personalization is sentiment analysis, whereby NLP is used to help voice search technologies understand how the speaker is feeling about the topic they are discussing or inquiring about. Knowing whether the user is expressing a positive, negative, or neutral sentiment, by analyzing factors like product feedback and social media comments, helps brands gather more information on consumer opinions.

Because of this, NLP is a critical technology that makes voice search possible. Without it, voice search would not be able to comprehend the user's query, return relevant results, or personalize the outcomes for the user.

Voice search in online shopping

Voice search: Benefits for consumers

Voice search technology offers a range of consumer benefits. Specific examples include:

  • Convenience: Voice search provides a hands-free method to explore the internet, which proves especially useful when users are driving, cooking, or engaged in activities that occupy their hands. It's also faster than typing, facilitating quicker access to information.
  • Accessibility: Voice search is accessible to individuals with disabilities who may face challenges with typing or using a mouse.
  • Accuracy: Voice search is progressively improving in accuracy as voice recognition technology advances. However, speaking clearly and at a moderate pace is essential when utilizing voice search. It's advisable to use voice search in a quiet environment to minimize errors.

Voice search: Benefits for online retailers

Online retailers have effectively leveraged the advantages of voice search, yielding substantial benefits. The primary advantage lies in the potential for heightened customer interaction, ultimately driving improved sales. The convenience of voice-driven searches can trigger impromptu purchases, fostering engagement through conversational commerce.

The rapidity with which impulsive transactions are facilitated can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates in comparison to purchases made during regular browsing. Voice search provides immediate assistance, expediting the process of finding products, addressing shopper queries, and seamlessly completing purchases in real-time.

Moreover, voice search aids brands in enhancing personalization by granting access to a wealth of consumer data. Insights derived from spoken queries enable retailers to grasp their customers' preferences, facilitating tailored recommendations and highly targeted marketing campaigns. Concurrently, the integration of analytics allows retailers to comprehend the intent behind customers' conversational, long-form voice queries.

These advantages not only enhance the shopping experience for consumers but also empower retailers to craft a nuanced, customer-centric approach in their customer experience (CX) strategy and consumer engagement tactics.

Key challenges for voice search in online shopping

Accuracy and understanding

The association between voice search and online shopping holds promise, yet it is not devoid of challenges. Accuracy and comprehension pose intricate hurdles in voice search technology. Despite its impressive capabilities, it occasionally stumbles when confronted with intricate queries, various dialects, or diverse accents.

Such misinterpretations can result in erroneous search outcomes, leaving shoppers exasperated. Picture requesting blue shoes and receiving a perplexing assortment of "shoe news" results. As voice commerce takes center stage, enhancing the technology to comprehend diverse speech patterns remains an ongoing challenge.

A study conducted by SEMrush, which assessed the accuracy of various voice assistants in responding correctly to search queries, revealed that the overall accuracy of voice search is approximately 93.7%. However, a report by Deepwater highlighted that accuracy levels can vary based on the specific device and voice assistant in use.

For instance, the study identified Google voice search as the most accurate, followed by Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri.

It's important to note that the precision of voice search can be influenced by several external factors. These include the quality of the microphone, the presence of background noise, user accents, clarity of speech, and the comprehensibility of the query.

Privacy concerns

Amidst the excitement surrounding the rise of voice commerce, the issue of privacy concerns looms large. The collection of voice data, like any form of data, raises suspicions, as personal conversations inadvertently become part of the digital landscape.

While companies emphasize data protection, a lingering fear of potential misuse remains prevalent among consumers. Indeed, nobody wishes to envision their private shopping discussions being treated as a commodity.

The potential risks associated with voice commerce encompass accidental device activations and the possibility of sensitive data breaches. With the growing usage of voice search, the necessity for robust privacy measures and transparent data practices becomes ever more crucial.

Adapting online shops to voice-first design

The era of voice-first design signifies a call to action for online retailers. To align with the advancements in voice search, platforms may require a strategic overhaul. This marks an opportunity for retailers to rethink the auditory aspect of their digital spaces, ensuring they are voice-friendly.

This transformation involves creating succinct yet informative product descriptions, prioritizing the spoken word over visual cues. Furthermore, navigation should be intuitive, effortlessly comprehending voice commands. The pivotal shift lies in optimization – customizing content to elicit voice-compatible responses.

Case studies of voice search in online shopping

Amazon has positioned itself as a pioneer in implementing voice search for online shopping through its smart speaker, Amazon Echo, and its virtual assistant, Alexa.

Through seamless integration of voice technology, the company has simplified shopping to the level of a casual conversation. Users can now not only search for products but also place orders, reorder items, and check their order status, all through language commands.

A key element contributing to Amazon's success is Alexa's remarkable ability to understand context and intent, resulting in precise responses and immediate answers to user queries. Amazon has additionally engineered a frictionless purchasing process, employing secure voice profiles and authentication mechanisms to ensure transaction safety.

The company's vast product catalog, coupled with personalized recommendations and convenient reorder capabilities, further solidifies its position as a frontrunner in the realm of voice commerce.

Walmart has likewise embraced the potential of voice search commerce by partnering with Google's voice search app, enhancing the shopping experience for its customers. Utilizing Google Assistant, users can seamlessly add items to their Walmart online shopping carts, generate shopping lists, and even initiate the checkout process through voice commands.

What distinguishes Walmart is its dedication to user convenience. Shoppers can effortlessly retrieve information about their previous purchases and preferences, facilitating swift reorders and minimizing the necessity for repetitive actions.

Walmart's voice commerce system seamlessly integrates with its physical stores, affording customers the choice of in-store pickup or delivery, underscoring its commitment to a seamless and flexible shopping experience.

Home Depot has developed its own voice-activated shopping assistant, Home Depot Skill, designed to enhance the shopping experience. Compatible with Amazon Alexa, Android's Google Assistant, and Apple HomePod, this feature allows shoppers to effortlessly find products, access product information, check prices, and even engage with a customer service agent through voice commands.

Moreover, it seamlessly integrates with a variety of home devices, enabling users to control their lights and thermostats.

Additionally, Home Depot's mobile app features an advanced voice search functionality that enables customers to pose conversational questions and commands, such as "What are the best light bulbs for my living room?" or "How many 2x4s do I need to build a bookshelf?"

Moreover, the Home Depot App incorporates a voice search feature to facilitate product discovery. Powered by Google's Dialogflow, this tool comprehends natural language queries, further enhancing the ease of use and accessibility for customers.

The beauty brand Sephora has harnessed the potential of voice search to elevate the shopping experience, both in-store and online. Their voice-activated shopping assistant, Sephora Voice, is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple HomePod.

This tool assists customers in finding products, obtaining product information, checking prices, and even accessing makeup tutorials, skincare tips, and the option to book beauty appointments.

Furthermore, the Sephora App incorporates a voice search feature that enables customers to discover products by simply speaking into their phones. Powered by Google's Dialogflow, this feature enhances accessibility and ease of use for customers seeking a seamless shopping experience.

For customers who prefer in-store shopping, Sephora offers the "Sephora Dream Vanity" experience in select stores. This interactive display allows customers to utilize voice search for product discovery, watch makeup tutorials, and access skincare tips, mirroring the capabilities offered by Sephora Voice.

Future predictions on voice search in ecommerce

Advances in AI and voice recognition

The future of voice search in e-commerce is propelled by the rapid advancements in AI and voice recognition technology. As AI algorithms continue to progress, they will increasingly excel at comprehending natural language intricacies, context, accents, and user intent.

This advancement will significantly enhance the accuracy of voice search, resulting in more precise search outcomes and seamless interactions for retailers. Moreover, it will present the opportunity to predict user preferences more accurately, enabling tailored product recommendations and customized shopping experiences. Ultimately, this will elevate customer engagement and satisfaction.

For instance, researchers at Microsoft Research have pioneered a technique named "Deep Noise Suppression" capable of recognizing speech in noisy environments. This method employs a deep neural network to learn speech patterns in noisy surroundings, substantially reducing noise in speech recordings by up to 90%. This breakthrough expands the usability of voice search technology across diverse environments, fostering broader adoption.

Voice search has already transcended smart speakers to become an integral component of smartphones, wearables, and even in-car systems, ensuring a consistent, hands-free shopping experience for consumers wherever they go. Eventually, cross-platform integration is anticipated to become the standard practice.

Potential rise of voice-first shopping platforms

The trajectory of online retail and voice search commerce strongly suggests the imminent emergence of voice-first shopping platforms. Envision a digital marketplace where users effortlessly navigate, explore, and make purchases, markedly reducing the dependence on traditional visual interfaces.

The beauty of these voice-first platforms lies in their inclusivity and accessibility. They pave the way for a broader demographic, including individuals who may face challenges with conventional interfaces due to disabilities or language barriers. Moreover, these platforms will prove invaluable for users who aren't proficient in the language being used or for technology that struggles with cultural nuances and complex terminologies.

As AI technology advances, the distinction between shopping and casual conversation blurs, granting users the ability to engage with brands and products in a natural and intuitive manner. These platforms will likely prioritize conversational AI, fostering genuine interactions that closely resemble real-life shopping experiences, thereby enhancing user engagement and overall satisfaction.

SEO Implications: Voice search optimization

Understanding voice search optimization

Another significant advantage for retailers leveraging the potential of voice search lies in the realm of SEO. Voice search SEO necessitates a distinct approach compared to traditional website SEO. It places a heightened focus on long-tail keywords, considering that voice search queries are generally more conversational and lengthier than text-based queries.

This implies that website owners need to find ways to incorporate longer sentences that closely mirror natural speech patterns rather than typing styles.

Furthermore, it's essential to continually monitor results to gauge the impact of SEO efforts on visibility in voice search results. This allows for easy adjustments and updates in alignment with the evolving landscape of voice technology.

An essential aspect of this shift is anticipating user intent, considering what someone might ask verbally rather than what they might type. This necessitates a deeper understanding of customer needs and context, ensuring that content resonates effectively with voice-driven interactions.

Retailers can leverage tools like Google Keyword Planner, Google Search Console, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify long-tail keyword suggestions based on primary keywords, guiding users employing voice search to their pages and products. It's equally crucial to research competitor keyword targeting and comprehend the phrases that prove effective or ineffective for them.

In cases where internal analytics do not provide sufficient insights, brands can directly engage with their customers to understand the kind of information they are seeking, the natural language queries they might utilize to discover products, any questions they may have, and the problems they aim to solve.

This direct customer engagement aids in tailoring content to align with customer expectations in voice-driven interactions.

In light of the increasing prevalence of "near me" queries, prioritizing local SEO and optimizing search results for local relevance has become paramount. Retailers must ensure that their business information remains consistent and accurate across various online directories.

This consistency significantly aids voice search algorithms in aligning queries with relevant local businesses. Leveraging platforms like Google My Business and other local listing platforms is a fundamental aspect of achieving this.

Furthermore, creating location-specific content and tailoring keywords to incorporate local identifiers significantly enhances content discoverability. Given that voice search users often seek immediate solutions, investing in local SEO not only amplifies visibility but also drives foot traffic to physical, brick-and-mortar stores, providing a tangible impact on business operations.


Voice search stands at the forefront as a revolutionary force in the realm of commerce, seamlessly amalgamating the advantages of convenience and accessibility. Advancements in technology, particularly in understanding human speech, have fundamentally shifted the shopping journey into a straightforward dialogue between retailer and consumer.

Brands that wholeheartedly adopt a voice-first commerce approach will undoubtedly strike a chord with customers, particularly if they augment user experience and align with local context cues. Even though challenges and privacy concerns need to be addressed, the appeal of hands-free retail experiences remains robust. Voice search holds the promise of a compelling fusion of simplicity and engagement, setting the stage for an exciting future in the world of commerce.

Photo of Paulina Pasławska

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Paulina Pasławska

Product Manager
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