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Newsletter #104 - Digital Transformation Trends for 2019, 5G, and the Banking Sector’s Venture into Blockchain and ML

Photo of Radek Zaleski

Radek Zaleski

Updated Jul 8, 2021 • 4 min read
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Happy Holidays! We’re here with a bunch of interesting news from the world of IT to give you a break from delicious food and wonderful company. Read on if you want to learn about the progress of 5G, how banks are leveraging blockchain and ML, and what visual preferences of millennials can be used to make products and services more appealing to them.

What the Recent Media Acquisitions Can Tell You About the Evolving Consumer

“Salesforce's co-founder has acquired TIME, Disney beat out Comcast to acquire Fox, Verizon has interest in CBS, Apple has interest in Snap and Google and Facebook still control more than half of the online advertising market.” If that doesn’t look like a clear sign of big changes coming our way, I don’t know what does. But how is it all going to play out? Read more

The world of media is not the only domain undergoing a transformation at the moment. Autonomous things (drones, robots and warehousing machines) are growing in popularity. AI and ML are making their way into new markets, and multi-cloud is becoming more and more important in the corporate world. These are only a few of the top digital transformation trends for 2019. Read more

5G Is Finally Starting to Feel Real

We’ve all heard of the 5G technology. Even though the idea seems fantastic in theory, there used to be little information on how it worked in practice. And now, finally, we see can the light at the end of the tunnel – Qualcomm is committed to forging ahead with this next-gen wireless technology. Read more

These Are the Visual Design Preferences of an Average Millennial Customer

Millennials usually appear in discussions related to them taking over the job market. They are also, however, a rising force of consumers and companies scramble to appeal to them with their branding and marketing. As it turns out, there are visual tricks that can appeal to the average millennial’s taste. Read more

European Banks Are Pushing the Adoption of Blockchain Technology

We’ve written about blockchain multiple times, tracking the technology’s rapid rise. The financial sector seems particularly interested in the possibilities offered by blockchain – perhaps in response to observations that banks and other financial institutions could become less relevant due to this new way of managing transactions. Read more

Fraud Detection with Machine Learning: How Banks and Financial Institutions Leverage AI

We’ve mentioned how the financial sector is moving to blockchain technologies, and now it’s time to talk about the sector’s interest in machine learning. AI can give banks a huge edge in their war with fraud and other issues related to security. Read more

Both blockchain and fraud detection with machine learning seem like sensible choices for the financial sector. What about millennials’ aesthetic preferences? If you are a millennial, do you agree with what the article says? Let me know!

Photo of Radek Zaleski

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Radek Zaleski

Senior Partner at Netguru
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