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17 Must-Attend DevOps Conferences in 2019

Photo of Aleksandra Szaniewska

Aleksandra Szaniewska

Updated Feb 27, 2024 • 12 min read
DevOps Conference-414291-edited

The world of technical conferences may sometimes seem difficult to explore, and choosing the one right for our needs from thousands of offers can be really tough.

This also applies to DevOps events, which differ not only in duration and price, but also in the character and formula. The offer of those conferences is ultra-wide, focusing on topics from top technical things to issues like changes in organization and culture.

In order to make finding the right place in a dense network of offers a bit easier, we decided to select those really remarkable - from event giants or classics, to nicer ones, but still very interesting both for those who are at the beginning of their professional journey and for experts who have years of experience behind them. We hope that our list will be a handy guide for the upcoming year.

1. DevOps Days

The list starts with a classic. DevOps Days is a formula that repeats in various places around the world throughout the year. Topics are software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Most of the events in this series are a combination of curated talks and self-organized open space content.

When & where: 24th - 25th Jan 2019, New York City
8th Mar 2019, Los Angeles
14th - 15th May 2019, Zürich
26th - 28th Jun 2019, Amsterdam

Ticket price: $99 - $279

2. Agile, Testing & DevOps Showcase

This event has a unique formula, called the Round Table session, which lasts for 45 minutes. Speakers at each table have a theme, and participants may join any session with an interesting topic related to Testing, Agile and, of course, DevOps.

When & where: 31st Jan 2019, Amsterdam

Ticket price: €115 - €495

3. FOSDEM'19

This is a non-commercial, two-day event organized by the community to provide software developers with the opportunity to meet. FOSDEM is known for lectures and “devrooms” - a place to discuss, hack and publicly present the latest directions, lightning talks, and news.

When & where: 2nd - 3rd Feb 2019, Brussels

Ticket price: free of charge

4. Config Management Camp 2019

Configuration Management Camp 2019 is all about Open Source Configuration, Provisioning, Orchestration, Choreography, Container Operations and many more. The event provides a main track, hacker spaces, training, workshops, and keynotes.

When & where: 4th - 6th Feb 2019, Ghent

Ticket price: free of charge

5. QConLondon

QCon London is a conference for senior software engineers and architects. Attending the event includes 18 editorial tracks across 3 days, 140+ practitioner speakers from giants like Uber, Google, Facebook or Twitter, and 17 optional workshops following the conference.

When & where: 4th - 6th Mar 2019, London

Ticket price: £545 - £2,829

DevOps QConLondon
Source: https://www.facebook.com/QCon/

6. DevOps Italia

Topics at the event include DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Cloud, Microservices, Automation, Testing, Big Data, Containers, Data Center Operating Systems, Software Operability, IT operating models and how to plan and organize IT Operations.

When & where: 8th Mar 2019, Bologna

Ticket price: €65.56 - €451.69

7. DevOps Gathering 2019

At the Gathering, you will have a great chance to discuss the top topics inside the DevOps community and talk about CNCF-Projects, Container Ecosystems, Kubernetes, Microservices, Serverless, Clouds, and many more. During the event there will be workshops, talks, and lightning talks.

When & where: 11th - 13th Mar 2019, Bochum

Ticket price: €59 - €549

DevOps Gathering
Source: https://www.facebook.com/DevOpsGathering/

8. DevOn Summit

The DevOn Summit is DevOn's biggest event. With over 400 attendees, it is a great opportunity to learn about and share ideas on Disruptive Digital Transformations focused on DevOps, Disruptive Technology and the business side of DevOps.

When & where: 14th Mar 2019, Utrecht

Ticket price: €225 - €760

9. DevOps Talks Conference

DOTC brings together DevOps leaders, engineers, and architects who are implementing DevOps in startups and in leading enterprise companies. The event includes DevOps talks, conferences, and workshops.

When & where: 21st - 22nd Mar 2019, Melbourne

Ticket price: $699

10. SREcon

SREcon is an event for site reliability engineers. It challenges all those who have been involved in SRE for a long time. The conference has a culture of critical thought, deep technical insights, continuous improvement, and innovation.

When & where: 25th - 27th Mar 2019, New York

2nd - 4th Oct 2019, Dublin

11. PowerShell + Devops Global Summit

A conference for PowerShell and DevOps enthusiasts and professionals. It's a gathering of a vibrant community - learning from each other, developing practices, sharing challenges and solutions, and driving the industry forward.

When & where: 29th Apr - 2nd May 2019, Bellevue, WA, USA

Ticket price: $1,650.50

12. GOTO Chicago & GOTO Amsterdam

GOTO is a conference gathering software innovators and leaders highlighting the technologies, methodologies and skills needed to build the future systems. The event program is created for developers by developers.

When & where: 28th Apr - 2nd May 2019, Chicago
11th - 14th Jun 2019, Amsterdam

Ticket price: $595 - $2,385

Source: https://www.facebook.com/GOTOConference/

13. Continuous Lifecycle London 2019

Continuous Lifecycle London will take you through fundamental concepts, analyze real-world scenarios, and explore key tools and technologies. Who attends? Every industry, from hi-tech to traditional manufacturing.

When & where: 14th - 16th May 2019, London

Ticket price: £500 - £600

14. Jax DevOps

JAX DevOps is a four-day conference for software experts and is focused on the latest technologies and methodologies for lean businesses. This software revolution focus aims at accelerated delivery cycles, faster changes in functionality, and increased quality.

When & where: 14th - 17th May 2019, London

Ticket price: £399 - £699

DevOps JAX
Source: https://devops.jaxlondon.com/

15. DevOpsCon Berlin 2019

Agile processes, microservices, continuous delivery, container and cloud technologies are essential. The DevOps Conference offers a glimpse at the top topics of the current high performance IT transformation, along with hands-on workshops, sessions, and keynotes.

When & where: 11th - 14th Jun 2019, Berlin

Ticket price: €449 - €1,574

16. CloudNative London 2019

It is a three-day conference on everything Cloud Native. You will learn how to take advantage of cloud platforms and how to build the next generation of tools to support them. You will discover how to make apps run faster and more efficiently, along with networking and sharing ideas.

When & where: 25th - 27th Sep 2019, London

Ticket price: £245 - £1,195

17. DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES)

Last, but surely not least! DOES is a conference for leaders of complex organizations implementing DevOps practices. The event focuses on the evolving technical and architectural practices and the methods needed to lead widespread change efforts.

When & where: London, Las Vegas - dates to be announced

Ticket price: approx. £600 - £800; $ ,400 - $1,975

We hope that the event guide will be valuable and help you decide which DevOps conferences to attend. This list is not closed - we would be happy to expand it so that it can be used by all interested developers for the next year. If you feel that we might have missed something or have additional questions - give us feedback.

In the end, we wish you a truly DevOps year 2019 and hope to see you at one of the events!

Photo of Aleksandra Szaniewska

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