Project Management Workshop FAQ: All You Need to Know Before You Apply

Photo of Gosia Grottel

Gosia Grottel

Updated Feb 28, 2023 • 5 min read

We're moving faster and faster with our Project Management workshops - the next edition is coming soon!

Since some of you were not sure if they could apply, or what exactly we are going to cover during the workshop, we bring you a list of frequently asked questions - with answers, of course!

We're moving faster and faster with our Project Management workshops - the next edition is coming soon! Since some of you were not sure if they could apply, or what exactly we are going to cover during the workshop, we bring you a list of frequently asked questions - with answers, of course!

We are going to choose 15 applicants. Mostly, we take into consideration your answers to the recruitment tasks. Yes, the workshops enjoy large popularity, therefore we are already planning some more editions.

2. Do I need to have experience in project management in order to participate in the workshops?

Experience is not absolutely necessary, although it might be handy. Anyway, we will provide an introduction to project management so that you can learn as much as possible. Apply and see you soon, hopefully!

The workshops are open to everyone regardless of their experience and background. It is an incentive to acquire new skills for both those who plan to work as a project manager and those who already work on this position.

4. What language are the workshops conducted in?

Our workshops are run in Polish.

5. May I still apply for the workshops if my previous applications were rejected?

Of course! You can re-apply and take your chance as often as you like. We are always keen to hear from you!

6. How can I prepare for the workshops?

It’s good you asked. We’ve compiled a set of materials that might help you to set out on your adventure with PM workshops and IT project management. You’re going to receive them before the workshop. In the meantime, you can take a look around the Netguru blog or research for some info on your own. The keywords that may help you are, for instance, Agile, Scrum, JIRA, estimation, iteration.

Check out what happened during the previous edition and you’ll get a better idea of what to expect and how to prepare.

7. Where can I find the agenda of the workshops?

Our PM workshops are based on a universal formula. If you want to know what topics we are going to cover each day, feel free to take a look at the previous edition recap. Once you qualify for the workshop, we’ll keep you posted about the agenda.

8. Should I bring anything special with me?

Definitely, a head full of ideas and your computer. Also, a pen and notepad may come in handy as there will be some short lectures and tutorials.

9. Do we have any breaks during the workshops?

Sure! We do have breaks during the workshops when you can treat yourself to some sandwiches and lunch together. There will also be some delicious coffee and a huge array of tea and soft drinks at your disposal. No worries!

10. Is there any dress code for the workshops?

Just put on what you feel comfortable in. PM workshops are mainly meant to be great fun in good company!

11. Could participation in the workshop influence my potential career at Netguru?

It seems like you intend to apply for a PM position. Nice! The workshops are a great chance to learn what PM work is based on. You will also have an opportunity to get to know our team, workflow, and tools as well as to ask us some questions.

For those who will not manage to take part in the event - participation in the workshop is not a must when it comes to the recruitment process. Our doors are open to everyone!

Special thanks to Magda Zdrojewska for her support while writing this post. You're amazing!

If there’s anything we haven’t covered in this post, but you would really like to know - feel free to ask in the comment. We’ll be happy to answer!

Photo of Gosia Grottel

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Gosia Grottel

An adventure seeker and an artistic soul in one. Master of Science in tourism and recreation. Fond...
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