A Personalized App for Patients for a US Healthcare Startup
By combining the newest scientific data with the most up-to-date information about stroke-related issues, they help patients to make informed decisions and take charge of their recovery.
The company is currently in the process of expanding its offering. It has partnered with Netguru to develop an app to help patients actively improve various aspects of their post-stroke life.
An innovative service for a vulnerable population
Over 2000 new scientific studies are published each month. However, it usually takes time for their findings and the healthcare improvements they can offer to get incorporated into medical practice. Strokemark bridges that gap - their team sifts through the newest stroke-related research to identify new findings that might be beneficial for stroke patients.
The knowledge base the company has built up helps patients to become better informed and ease their path to recovery. Additionally, Strokemark has created a community of stroke patients who share their experiences and knowledge to support each other.
All these services are not meant to replace a doctor’s or therapist’s care, but to support and augment it. They help the patient take an active role in their rehabilitation process and regain control over their health.
An app to better serve patients
As part of their mission to address the needs of stroke patients in a more individualized way, Strokemark partnered with Netguru to develop an app that would allow users to completely personalize their recovery program.
The ultimate goal of the cooperation is to create a fully personalized, easy-to-use mobile app with different modules for different areas of the recovery. The project, targeted to a very niche group, has to precisely address stroke patients’ specific needs.
The app should also engage patients in their recovery, help them establish goals, and monitor progress. The outcomes Strokemark is targeting include improving patients’ health, making them feel stronger, and decreasing the risk of another stroke.
With these objectives in mind, Strokemark is aiming to enter into partnerships with insurance companies for whom such client health improvements would result in significant savings.
First version release
Netguru developed a React Natie application with the backend written in Python, which Strokemark released in April of 2020. It’s a Minimum Viable Product that has one of the planned features: a Walking Module. It enables the user to establish their walking goals, keeps track of the progress, and encourages them to walk more. The app is ultra-intuitive and can be used both by patients and caregivers.
Updates and future plans
Further modules of the app are already planned. Currently, Netguru is working on another physiotherapeutic feature, the Arm/Hand Module. Further plans include developing, among others, memory and face recognition modules.
The app is also going to be able to collect health measurements and offer medical content from the Strokemark knowledge base for further assistance. The full version will be a comprehensive and personalized resource for all stroke-related issues, serving patients as well as their caretakers and health providers.