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Newsletter #101 - Business Catastrophy Management, the Science of Logo Design and the Future of Leadership

Photo of Radek Zaleski

Radek Zaleski

Updated Jun 26, 2024 • 7 min read

First of all, check out our guide for managing events that could be truly disastrous for your business, like a sudden shut-down of one of your providers.

Once you’re ready for that and can relax, learn all about how pattern recognition kills innovation, and how the elements of a logo can convey surprising depths of meaning. Happy reading!

How We Used the Incident Management Process to Minimize the Impact of the Hubspot Outage

“The more complex your business is, the more providers you probably rely on,” Natalia writes. It’s true, and very scary. How many pieces that aren’t under your direct control does your business depend on? What if any one of these pieces were removed? Find out how we’ve developed (and recently tested!) a process for mitigating the damage in such disastrous situations.

Is Pattern Recognition Killing Innovation?

Though the definition of innovation is not set in stone, the investment sector is moving towards uniformity and thus, it might seem, fewer disruptive opportunities. Ideas that appeal strongly to small groups receive the most support - partly because of how our brains work. Pattern recognition allows us to interpret our surroundings and tell the difference between, for example, danger and safety. So how can this process harm innovation? Read more

How Your Company's Logo Influences Purchase Decisions

It’s pretty obvious that a logo is important for branding. Is there anything more iconic than the logos of Apple and Nike? Have you ever wondered why they are so evocative and successful? It turns out that there’s a science to designing logos, one that involves understanding the meaning conveyed by shapes, colours, fonts, and other elements. Read more

How to Improve the UX of Your Application - Extensive Guide

User experience has always been important, but never more than now, when businesses are aware of its impact and users expect to be catered to at every step. Some ways to improve the UX of your app include leveraging user feedback, using a data-driven approach, and exploring the possibilities of all platforms. Read more

How to Find Your Seed Stage Investors

Everybody needs to start somewhere, and your first round of financing might be the most difficult to organise. Where to look for investors? Turns out there are quite a few places that can help, like Pitchbook, Signal, and Crunchbase. Read more

The Critical Slide Missing from Your B2B Startup’s Deck

B2B is known for its high difficulty level for startups. If you want to innovate a traditional industry, you have to be prepared for a slow sales process, overly careful investors, and a lot of competition. There’s one thing many startup founders forget about that could boost their chances for success. Read more

VCs Have Much More to Offer European Founders Than Funding

If you’re looking for investors, are you in it only for the money? If so, think about all the other benefits they offer: an open door to a robust ecosystem of stakeholders and know-how backed by experience. Read more

Research Says the Boss of the Future Looks Nothing Like Today's Managers. Here's What You'll Need to Learn

Depending on the industry and the size of the company you work for, your interpretation of the word “manager” will differ. Whether you’re thinking about a corporate slave driver or a startup founder inviting you to share all of your ideas, the dichotomy is a prelude to change. Future leaders will need to adapt to be successful - and the time to get started it is now. Read more

These Are the Top European Startup Accelerators 2018

With almost three quarters of the year behind us, it’s time to take a closer look at new opportunities for startups in Europe. Accelerators in various startup hubs are on the rise. Some have updated their offer, some are new players on the market. Check them out if you’re looking for a good programme for your startup. Read more

Finding a good VC and accelerator can be extremely important for a startup, so hopefully these reads have been useful! What did you think about the promised future of leadership? Drop us a line if you’d like to talk about any of the topics mentioned in this newsletter :)

Also, feel free to visit our careers page and take a look at the offers there. We’re always on the lookout for cool new team members.

Photo of Radek Zaleski

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Radek Zaleski

Senior Partner at Netguru
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