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Newsletter #98 - The Problem with Bitcoin, Elon Musk's Best Advice and the Nation that Wastes 60% of Their Workweek

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated Mar 27, 2023 • 6 min read

Find out how to build a machine learning project up, why to think twice before buying bitcoin, and what Elon Musk’s “single best piece of advice” is.

How Netguru Mastered Remote Development. Our Stories with a Fintech Leader, a Personal Robot, and a Project Management Tool

Working as remote consultants and developers for clients who might be located on the other side of the globe sounds daunting. And it is – making it work requires well-developed processes, a good company culture, and a set of tools that support communication, rather than hinder it. We’ve looked back on some of our projects and decided to share what we’ve learned. Read more

Elon Musk Shows How to Be a Great Leader With What He Calls His 'Single Best Piece of Advice'

It’s actually surprisingly unsurprising. It all boils down to always moving forward, improving on past successes (not just on failures), and not allowing yourself to settle. But how should you keep up with life’s challenges while putting so much pressure on yourself? Simple: don’t do it alone. Read more

The Only Startup Metric that Matters

There are plenty of metrics out there, so many that it might be difficult to choose just a few and focus on them. It’s easy to get too excited and measure everything but learn only little, as there’s not enough time left to actually analyse the results. So, here’s the metric that could help you stay true to your goals and vision, even if you forget everything else. Read more

AR Companies Have Grown 50% Since the End of 2017

We’ve known that VR and AR are some of the fastest growing technologies in 2018. But I’m not sure we expected a 50-percent growth spur in only half a year. The data is based on the number of AR companies active today. Read more

Cryptocurrencies have been a worrying trend since the beginning, in a way, with many people believing cryptocurrencies never amount to more than a temporary fad. And yet, awareness is rising and more and more people procure bitcoins. Why? This is the worrying part. People are buying bitcoin because they intend to sell it at a higher price. Nothing else. Read more

Why Danes Spend 22 Hours Doing Nothing at Work Every Week

Spending 22 hours doing nothing at work? It sounds insane, I know. As worker-friendly as the Scandinavian countries seem to be, how can they afford the fact that employees spend two-thirds of their time doing nothing and working during only one third of the workday? And how can they fix it? Apparently, the answer is: by loosening up. Read more

How to Write Killer Machine Learning Apps

Machine Learning is a big game changer. More and more innovative implementations of the technology are cropping up, slowly making us forget how we used to live without them. If you have a genius idea for an ML app, it’s the time to launch it. So how do you go about building it? Read more

As a person who ends up more tired when I’m bored than when I’m swamped with work, I have to say the Denmark statistic sounds horrifying. I’d much prefer to follow Elon Musk’s advice. What about you?

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Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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