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Netguru Newsletter #75 - Predicting Death with Selfies and Collecting Data with Bikes

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated May 27, 2024 • 7 min read

Technology is invading our leisure time – except, is it an invasion when we invite a virtual assistant to track our golf shots?

Selfies being used as a tool to predict people’s mortality might be a bit more worrying.

On a more positive note, check out our book recs for all interested in React Native and Node.js.

What is the State of London Tech? Find out With an App by Netguru & Tech.London

This is the information you want. Let us know what you think about the state of London’s technology scene and see how your answers compare to those of everyone else who participated in the survey. Help us create this unique crowdsourced report, and use what you learn there to develop your own business.

IBM Watson to Help Pebble Beach Create a Virtual Concierge for Guests

Two weeks ago, we wrote about Watson helping fight cyber crime, just like a slightly less action-oriented Robocop. Now, it’s expanding its horizons, and has just become capable of guiding hotel guests and spotting amazing golf shots. Read more

Insurance Firms Want to Use Selfies to Predict When You’ll Die

The health tech company, Lapetus, predicts mortality based on the rate at which people age, which, in turn, they derive from chronological selfies. Who doesn’t want to know when they’ll die, right? Except it’s insurance firms that stand to benefit the most. Read more

Meet the Startup Going Up Against Amazon in the Shipping Wars

Shippo helps customers compare shipping options to find the cheapest and fastest solutions. It was born out of a problem – the inefficient shipping systems e-commerce businesses are forced to use. Read more

Retail Is Not Dying, Says An Overstock Broker Who Works With Sears And Macy's

Maybe retail is not exactly not dying, but it is seamlessly moving into the online space. Thanks to this wholesale company, anyone can start a business selling products on Amazon with very little effort. Read more

China’s Bike Rental Startups Are Learning a Lot about How People Spend Their Free Time

Young bike rental companies in China pulled in a lot of investors’ money this year. This gave them the opportunity to show what data they can collect on their customers, ranging from information about national trends to observed behavioural changes. Read more

Google Wifi Review: Truly Game-changing Wifi

Is Google Wifi good? It is, according to this review. That said, it’s still can’t replace a router and won’t fix all of your connectivity issues. It might be able to solve a bunch of them, though. Read more

3 Reasons Why Privacy Matters to Your Business, Your Brand and Your Future

Find out why privacy matters to your customers, your brand and the growth of your business. In the present era of ubiquitous technology and connected devices, you want to make sure you are protected against security and privacy breaches. Read more

How To Effectively Design A Company’s Digital Transformation In 5 Steps

If you’re thinking about a digital revolution for your business, you’re not the only one. But do you know how to do it in a safe and sustainable way? These 5 steps will help you go through the process without a hitch. Read more

9 React Native Books That You Should Have On Your Bookshelf

For all of you interested in React Native, we’ve put together a list of recommended reading material. From books for beginners to more expert titles, these resources will help you improve your code and learn the most useful React Native tricks. Read more

10 Node.js Books That You Should Have on Your Bookshelf

We didn’t forget about Node.js enthusiasts either. Find out which of these titles are missing from your bookshelf and learn something new the old-fashioned way – by reading. Read more

We live in interesting times when taking selfies and renting bikes can help companies collect enormously valuable data on their customers. Are you worried or excited? We’d love to know!

Also, feel free to take a look at our careers page or drop us a line at jobs@netguru.co. We’re always on the lookout for awesome new talent.

Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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