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Netguru Newsletter #80 - Chatbot Co-workers, Avoiding Business Death by Ransomware and Understanding Choice

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated Apr 6, 2021 • 8 min read

Summer. Heavy rainstorms interspersed with heat waves are what we have to deal with over here in Poland. It’s strangely invigorating, though – and so are recent news in the world of tech and entrepreneurship. Find out how to protect yourself from ransomware, get a job at NASA and check out which of the UK’s cities is the new entrepreneurial hub. Happy reading!

Ransomware Shuts down 1 in 5 Small Businesses after It Hits

In the last year alone, about one-third of small-to-medium businesses had a run-in with ransomware. A good chunk of those never recovered. This means that many of us still don’t use any up-to-date cybersecurity measures. Read more

NASA Is Hiring a New Planetary Protection Officer to Defend Earth from Alien Contamination

Good news if you’re interested in working for NASA: they have an opening. Bad news: the new Planetary Protection Officer will have to go through a very strict recruitment process, as they will be basically responsible for the life on Earth and other planets. Read more

Sextech Rising: Crowdfunding the Industry’s Financial Holes

We’re all adults here, so we can talk about underfunded adult businesses. Many investors worry about their reputation and refrain from investing in businesses such as sex toy producers or adult event organisers. A crowdfunding platform could solve this problem. Read more

Our favorite startups from 500 startups’ 21st class

TechCrunch prepared a list of their favourite startups from 500 Startups’ 21st demo day. From messaging and water filters to robotics and property management, this list of startups is a great showcase of innovation and ingenuity. Read more

Surprise: Brighton Is The UK’s Most Entrepreneurial City [Infographic]

Did you think London was the UK’s entrepreneurial hub? Surprise! It’s not. As it turns out, it’s quite far down the list and well below the leader: Brighton. Read more

Chatbots on Facebook Messenger Linked to Increased Sales

These days, many of us like to interact with technology more than we like interacting with other humans. In some settings, at least, such as talking to Messenger bots instead of human customer service specialists. Read more

The Right Ingredients – Take Full Advantage of AWS, Lambda and Serverless

Want to drastically lower the costs of maintaining your infrastructure and simplify your architecture? Check out the AWS, Lambda and Serverless combo. Read more

5 Starting Points For Getting Great Ideas From Your Team

Do you know who almost certainly has some fantastic ideas on how to improve your business? Try asking your team! Empower them so that they can become fully engaged contributors to your business. Read more

Here’s Proof that Workers Want to Relinquish Their Menial Jobs to Chatbots

Chatbots are stealing our jobs! Or are they? Research shows that many people recognise the personal benefits they would experience if chatbots took over the less complex tasks. Read more

Want to Accomplish More in Less Time? 9 Things the Most Effective People Always Do

This article is less about the menial daily chores and more about your life’s accomplishments. Use these 9 techniques to get things done and make better decisions faster. Read more

Node.js vs. Ruby on Rails: Which Environment To Choose For Your Next Project?

“Node.js and Ruby on Rails (RoR) are two popular server-side solutions for web application development.” But which one of them will serve your project better? This comparison should help you decide. Read more

Understanding the Psychology of Choice Can Rock Your Marketing

Choices. Does any of us really like to make them? How can you help your customers make the right choice by properly designing your content and marketing strategy? This article has all the answers. Read more

Exciting news and advice, right? The psychology of choice seems like a fantastic advantage for many businesses, and it’s good to know we don’t need to worry about chatbots stealing our jobs.

Also, feel free to take a look at our careers page or drop us a line at jobs@netguru.co. We’re always on the lookout for awesome new talent.

Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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