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Netguru Newsletter #82 - Snapchat's Spectacles Failure, Cryptojacking and Longer Tweets

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated Apr 29, 2024 • 5 min read

Longer tweets, authentic Italian art and really fantastic podcasts – and these are only some of the useful and/or entertaining things we’ll share with you this week.

Find out how Snapchat is doing after their spectacular Spectacles failure, and what young entrepreneurs are doing these days. Happy reading!

Twitter Says Now We Can All Use 280 Characters

With the beta period finally over, we can all enjoy double-sized tweets. Well, almost all of us – those tweeting in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese still have to stick to the 140-character limit. Find out what Twitter’s motivations behind this change were and what major problems they are dealing with at the moment. Read more

Note to Self is The Memo’s Podcast of the Month

This list of technological and miscellaneous podcasts is our find of the month. Ranging from answers to silly questions about technology to take to a desert island, to the stories of sounds, and the history of medicine, they are bound to be as entertaining as they are educational. Read more

Snap CEO Evan Spiegel on Spectacles Write-off: ‘I Guess We Made the Wrong Decision’

Spectacles: the product that cost Snapchat $40 million. Though the initial reception was good, ultimately the number of sold pairs of these microphone- and camera-equipped glasses fell short of everyone’s expectations. How much trouble will this mean for Snapchat? Read more

Facebook’s Testing a New Method to Prevent Revenge Porn that Requires Uploading Your Nudes

Even though it doesn’t sound like a very legitimate venture, Facebook’s new security scheme is being created in cooperation with an Australian government agency. Question is, do we trust Facebook enough to use their solution? Read more

Why Cryptojacking Is the Next Big Cybersecurity Threat

You might have heard about cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, but did you know that they are generated through a process called ‘mining’? There is a threat associated with mining – your computer can be hijacked and used for somebody else’s mining setup. Read more

Experts on Founding a Successful Startup in Berlin - Part 1.

Being an entrepreneur is a tough job. You need to face many challenges and take on a variety of responsibilities. Don’t you wish there was a guide out there just for you, to help you make a huge success? If you’re a startup founder in Berlin, here’s what you’ve been looking for. Read more

The Pitfalls of Being a Young Entrepreneur [Infographic]

Are you a young entrepreneur yourself? Take a look at this fantastic infographic to gain insight into what people with similar ambitions are doing. Read more

Cryptojacking, revenge porn defences – what’s next in line? At least we have art to cheer us up, be it Italian craftsmanship or fascinating podcasts.

Also, feel free to take a look at our careers page or drop us a line at jobs@netguru.co. We’re always on the lookout for awesome new talent.

Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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