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Netguru Newsletter #84 - "Curated Web", Personalised TV and the Rise of Cryptocurrencies

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated Jan 9, 2023 • 5 min read

We’re happy to share our recent success: Cashcape and Netguru won two awards at the 5th Bankathon Berlin!

In contrast to this happy story, we feel obliged to report that people are becoming worried about the future of the Internet and Netflix’s choose-your-own-adventure shows. This issue of our newsletter also includes advice on how to conquer fear and how to choose the right name for your startup. Happy reading!

CashCape and Netguru Receive Two Awards at Bankathon Berlin

He’s an example of an excellent partnership. The Cashcape-Netguru dream team celebrated two awards received at the fifth Bankathon Berlin. Want to know how we beat 21 other teams? Read more

Where is the Web Going?

The “Curated Web” what is it and how is it going to change the way we use the Internet? Companies will design new user interfaces and change the web by making more accessible the constant stream of information we’re exposed to. Read more

VR’s Marketing Conundrum — and How to Fix It

If your business is based on VR, reconsider the approach to marketing you’ve taken. Are you using tools and strategies relevant to 2D video and image content? Perhaps you shouldn’t be. Read more

5 Bitcoin Rivals That Are Rapidly on the Rise

You’ve most likely heard of Ethereum, but what about Ripple or Dash? Learn more about these cryptocurrencies and find out whether they can be of use to you. Read more

Netflix ‘Pick-the-Story’ Series Will Be a Royal Pain

Netflix is preparing a choose-your-own-adventure show for our viewing pleasure, this time targeted at an adult audience. Is this personalisation of TV a good thing or not? Read more

Tony Robbins, Elizabeth Gilbert and Tim Ferriss Agree This 1 Word Hurts Us the Most

“There's a funny trap that happens with self-discovery: The more articulate we become, the easier we can justify our actions. It's a dangerous game, as more power means being able to explain away our flaws, mistakes and misdirection. Our intention can blur.” Read more

6 Common Mistakes Made by Startup Founders & How to Avoid Them

What are they? Have you made some of them already? Find out what mistakes to avoid and what actions to take to make your startup successful. Read more

8 Ways to Pick a Great Name for Your Business

Watch this video about how to make the right choice when you need to give your business a name. You’ll learn 8 useful strategies that will help you with this crucial process. Read more

Is the Internet going to change and become a “Curated Web”? Do you think Netflix is going in the right direction? What about the right way to promote VR products? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Also, feel free to take a look at our careers page or drop us a line at jobs@netguru.co. We’re always on the lookout for awesome new talent.

Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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