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Netguru Newsletter #92 - Smart Toasters, AR in Museums and Goldilocks Syndrome

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated May 22, 2024 • 6 min read

Zuckerberg and Bezos are losing billions. Meanwhile, your smart toaster might be spying on you. Find out more in this issue of our newsletter.

Zuckerberg and Bezos Fortunes Shed Billions amid Tech Stock Slide on Tuesday

“After a turbulent few days on the stock market, fueled by rising tension between China and the U.S. over trade agreements as well as hostile attention towards tech companies for its data-use standards, technology shares continued its decline on Tuesday.” Some by as much as 2.9%. This means a loss of $3.1 billion for Mark Zuckerberg, and $4.6 billion for Jeff Bezos, the richest man on Earth. Read more

Beware the Smart Toaster: 18 Tips for Surviving the Surveillance Age

No joke, your smart toaster can be a vulnerability. If you’re worried about protecting your data, especially in the face of Facebook’s recent failure to do so for you, read these tips on how to keep the digital account of your life safe. Read more

Design that Evokes Emotions and Reinforces Decision Making: Herdius Case Study

Heridus is a high performance, decentralised financial platform - and a Berlin-based startup raising capital through an ICO. They needed a landing page that would be convincing and captivating. This is the story of how they got it. Read more

Museums Are the Best Place to Find Innovation in AR

Museum are certainly more easily associated with history than innovation, and yet AR has found a way to sneak in among priceless works of art and ancient exhibits. Museums are “using AR for everything from wayfinding to bringing objects to life to developing entirely new, digital artworks.” Read more

On a Whim, This Hippie Founder Packed Her Bags for India. Now, She's Made $35 Million Selling Chai Tea

A whim it might have been, but the success of Brook Eddy’s business was no accident. It was based on research and smart questions about using nonprofit thinking and values in a business. Eddy’s love of chai might also have been a factor. Read more

5 Intrapreneur Startup Lessons from the Co-Father of The Xbox

Did you know that the Xbox started out as an internal project at Microsoft, championed by a small group of innovators? Here’s one of them sharing the wisdom he accumulated while creating what would become one of the most popular gaming platforms in the world. Read more

From Concept to Completion - Our Guide to Project Management for Software Products

Netguru has been developing software the agile way for many years. We felt it was time to share our process and development philosophy with the world, so we prepared an ebook. It contains a full description of how we do things, from the conception to the final stages of a project. Read more

How You and Your Business Can Combat the Goldilocks Syndrome

The Goldilocks Syndrome refers to a tendency common among startups providing services to their customers. Namely, the tendency to fail when looking for the perfect market fit (the bowl of porridge that is just right!) and either make their offer too narrow or too broad. Read more

A tea-related startup seems like a brilliant idea, and so is bringing AR into museums. I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue’s collection of news, advice and interesting facts :)

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Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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