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Netguru Newsletter #71 - Customer Feedback, Autonomous Vehicles and Tools for Digital Nomads

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated Aug 18, 2023 • 7 min read

Wherever you are in the world, I hope you’re also enjoying the first glimpses of spring this year.

Even if you’re not, I’ve got a portion of news and inspiration that should help you enjoy the season. We’ll start by looking at women in business to celebrate International Women’s Day a little bit. We’ll also take a close look at customer feedback, long-term business strategies, the lifestyle of digital nomads and new technologies to watch out for this year. Read on!

How To Boss It Like… Danae Ringelmann, Founder Indiegogo

The tips from Danae Ringelman, Indiegogo’s founder, might give you inspiration on how to stay productive in these busy times, use your time effectively, invest in self-development, share your knowledge around the world and stay sane while achieving your goals. Read more

Why Aren’t There More Women Crashing the Glass Ceiling?

International Women’s Day was only last week, so it’s a good time to think about the glass ceiling and the reasons why more women aren’t breaking it into little pieces. Holly Stephens created Triangles to encourage more women to enter the world of startups. Read more

Why Henry Ford's Most Famous Quote Is Dead Wrong

Would the answer to Ford’s (alleged) question really have been “faster horses”? Unlikely. Understanding your customers and communicating with them is crucial for any business. Learn these techniques to boost your growth with customer feedback. Read more

I’m the Founder of a Multimillion-Dollar Business: Here’s Why I Owe It All to a Decision I Made at 25

Ramit Sethi talks about the importance of a long-term strategy in this personal piece. He attributes the success of many entrepreneurs (e.g. Elon Musk) to forward thinking, following a plan and not falling into the trap of an overly lean approach. Read more

6 Tools I’ve Used to Survive the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Digital nomads live the dream: travelling the world and experiencing things most people can’t even imagine. On the flip side, it’s a lifestyle that makes them prone to stress and always prone to experience another crisis. Check out these tools that helped Tiffany Sun deal with the chaos of her daily existence. Read more

The Best Times to Learn and Create, According to Science

Our productivity varies throughout the day, so it makes sense to pay attention to the fluctuations and use your time to the fullest. Science is here to help you – find out when to sit down to learn or do something creative and take full advantage of your brain. Read more

Scaling SaaS for CEOs

This free ebook will help you prepare a sustainable process for scaling your SaaS product, build the right team for the task and avoid most of the common pitfalls. It’s also a good read if you’re still working on your MVP - the earlier you start preparations, the better. Read more

New Study Notes That It’s a Driverless Future, Not a People-less Future

Are autonomous vehicles (or AVs) a part of our future? Researchers from McKinsey say that by 2030, AVs will make up 15 percent of vehicles sold globally. The question is: how to make the service accessible within a reasonable budget? That is the problem modern cities will have to face. Read more

We all know that AR, VR and artificial intelligence are on the rise, but have you been paying attention to the growing popularity of the IT as a Service (ITaaS) model? Check out these 10 IT trends to learn about news in technology and the changing tech job market. Read more

Your Spring Guide To European Startup Events

It’s getting warmer and sunnier here each day, which is clearly a sign to get out more. If you live in Europe or like the idea of visiting Europe this spring, check out this list of startup-related events happening over the next 2.5 months. Read more

That's it for this edition of our newsletter. I hope you've enjoyed the articles, found cool inspiration and interesting tips. Feel free to let me know what you thought!

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Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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