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Netguru Newsletter #74 - Cyborg Parts, Netflix's Battle with Sleep and Thanking Your Haters

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated Jun 6, 2024 • 7 min read

This time we’ve got a mix of exciting futuristic stuff and profound advice for you. Find out what a Kitty Hawk is and how Elon Musk wants to talk to computers with his brain.

For something more practical, learn what works in mobile advertising and what mistakes to avoid when pitching to investors. Happy reading!

Netflix's Biggest Competitor? Sleep

Netflix remains unapologetically unimpressed by their direct competitors: Amazon Video, Youtube and the old-fashioned TV. They are, however, battling for their users’ attention, and their enemy is sleep. It makes sense if you think about it – my fondest memories of Netflix were born during all-night binges. Read more

Mobileye, Intel’s $15.3 Billion Computer Vision Acquisition, Partners with Nissan to Crowdsource Maps for Autonomous Cars

If self-driving cars are the future, we need precise maps of roads and surrounding areas. Together with on-board sensors, these maps will ensure our safety. And what better way there is to collect large amounts of data than through crowdsourcing? Read more

IBM Watson Turns Robocop in Sting on Rogue Traders

IBM introduces a Watson Financial Services product – a supercomputer meant to crack down on insider trading. It’s supposed to work like a detective by reading patterns, spotting tip-offs and employing its deep understanding of language.

Inbbbox for Android, the Streamlined Dribbble Experience, Is Launching Today. You Can Get It on Google Play!

We’ve launched Inbbbox for Android this Tuesday! The app brings Dribbble to mobile devices, helping creatively-inclined folks access inspiring shots on the go. It’s an open-source project, and we’ll be delighted to see its community grow.

13 Mobile Marketers Share Surprising Discoveries from Ad Creative Tests

Take a look at these mobile marketing tips from experts. From touting simplicity to swearing by feminine hands, to using less pretty designs for Russian audiences, they are a collection of advice you might not have heard of and will definitely find interesting. Read more

Elon Musk Expects to Have a Brain-Machine Interface in 4 Years

Elon Musk’s latest venture, Neuralink, involves brain-machine interfaces. Neuralink wants to develop treatments for severe brain injuries in around four years, but it will take them longer to kit us out with cyborg equipment. Read more

What's Your Entrepreneurial Quotient? The Magic Number Far Too Many Companies Overlook

Ryan Holmes, CEO of Hootsuite, talks about the best training for an executive job one can get: becoming an entrepreneur for a while. Holmes claims that every company needs some entrepreneurs among its staff. Read more

Should I be worried about React Fiber?

React Fiber is Facebook’s new version of their JavaScript Library for building UIs. But what does this mean for React? What has changed? Read more

3 Reasons to Thank Your Haters (and How to Do It)

Unhappy ex-employees post negative opinions about your company online? Don’t worry about it! These haters are bringing very important issues to your attention and, in the long run, they’re helping you solve them. Read more

15 Common Mistakes Startups Make When Pitching to Investors (as Told by VCs Themselves)

Startups with amazing ideas and all the drive needed to change the world often fail miserably in their pitches to investors. Why? Find out straight from the people who decide whether or not you’ll receive funding. Read more

An Engineer’s Guide to Picking a Startup

You’re an engineer. You know your services are in demand and that potential employers should be happy to hire you. But how do you choose a startup to work for when their future is so uncertain? Read more

Check Out This Larry Page-Backed Flying Car in Action

Flying cars are almost here! We’re very close to achieving what sci-fi authors envisioned a century ago. Best of all, the machine is called Kitty Hawk. Check out the video of its flight! Read more

Aren’t these exciting times to live in? Brain-machine interfaces, flying cars and supercomputers fighting cybercrime. I never knew I wanted a Kitty Hawk, but apparently, I do. What about you?

Also, feel free to take a look at our careers page or drop us a line at jobs@netguru.co. We’re always on the lookout for awesome new coworkers.

Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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