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Netguru Newsletter #85 - Design vs Programming, Business Trends for 2018 and 2017's Top Books for CEOs

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated Jan 9, 2020 • 5 min read

Christmas is upon us and 2018 is almost over! Hopefully you aren’t panicking about getting the family dinner ready - and if you are, remember that this is a time for rest and you can definitely allow yourself to read this newsletter :) Enjoy neat Christmas gift suggestions, business trends for 2018, smart things to say about Bitcoin and more!

Do We Really Need More Product Designers

Design and programming - do they mix? Should designers learn programming? The answer isn’t straightforward, but what is certain is that coding skills can change the way you approach design work in very interesting ways. Read more

With 2017 almost over, it’s time to get ready for the coming year. I bet you’ve already done a lot of the work, so here’s neat infographic with the most popular trends, just to make sure you don’t miss anything. Read more

Scared to Talk Bitcoin over Christmas Dinner? Here Are 5 Points that Will Make You Sound Smarter

What’s going on with Bitcoin? It’s value fluctuates like crazy, though with the tendency for really fast growth. This article is a collection of experts’ opinions on the cryptocurrency, tales from its past and predictions for its future. Read more

Santa Without the Stress: Last Minute Tech Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas is almost upon us and the window of opportunity for buying personalised gifts is closing. While shipping time may mean that most physical presents are now out, you can still get the perfect gift without leaving your home. Take a look at these digital options. Read more

We Asked 41 CEOs What Their Favourite Book of 2017 Was

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to read more, here’s an amazing list of books to choose from. The Memo talked to 41 CEOs over the last year and asked them for inspiring book recommendations. Read more

Magic Leap CEO Interview: Indoor Augmented Reality Is the First Step

Magic Leap, according to VentureBeat, is “the company that is throwing the most money and people at the challenge [of VR] today”. They are to launch a VR development kit soon, hoping to make the technology as interactive as possible. Read more

10 Free Tools to Help You Understand Your Social Media Audience

Social media continue to be invaluable channels for marketing, spreading brand awareness and building audience engagement. These tools will help you understand your audience better. Read more

Some of these articles should be useful for choosing last-minute gifts and coming up with New Year’s resolutions. Others offer cool tools for managing social media or advice on the right balance between design and programming. Hope you enjoy them!

Also, feel free to take a look at our careers page or drop us a line at jobs@netguru.co. We’re always on the lookout for awesome new talent.

Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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