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Netguru Newsletter #88 - Regulating Facebook, Deep Learning Breakthroughs and Hiring Top Talent

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Updated Feb 27, 2023 • 6 min read

Google’s been spending a pretty penny on politics, as it turns out. Meanwhile, CEOs and Silicon Valley leaders are championing the idea of regulating Facebook use.

The European tech ecosystem is constantly changing. Find out how to prepare for the AI revolution and more in this issue of our newsletter.

Facebook Should Be 'Regulated Like Cigarette Industry', Says Tech CEO

Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, shared his opinion that Facebook and other social media use should be heavily regulated, due to its addictive and harmful nature. He’s not the only one to think so, as “[a] string of Silicon Valley heads have spoken out in recent months about their fear that social media could be more psychologically damaging than anyone expected.” Read more

The Radical Re-Writing of European Tech Ecosystems

Mattias Ljungman writes about his impressions of the Paris startup renaissance and how it helped him understand the development process of tech ecosystems. With major tech hubs springing up all over the place and having a major impact on the world market, Ljungman’s observations are worth at least a moment’s consideration. Read more

Google Outspent Every Other Company on Washington Lobbying Last Year

It’s no surprise that Google has both the reason and the means to influence politics, but the technology Giant is breaking its own records. Spending Over $18 million on lobbying in 2017 will sure have left an impact. Read more

I Travel the World Working Nine to Five – Pros and Cons of Remote Work and How to Do It Right

Want a really cool story? Here’s a written account of remote work by Natalia from my team – she works 8 hours a day while travelling across the world. She also finds the time to blog! The places she’s been to over the past few months? Sevilla, Malaga, Granada, and Madrid. Read more

12 Must-Have SaaS Tools for Small Businesses

There are more apps and SaaS tools out there than anyone could possibly use, and trying to find the right ones for you can be a great way to waste valuable time. Instead of throwing your hands up in frustration, though, take a look at this list of actually helpful resources. Read more

Want to Inspire Your Employees? Take Them out for a Terrible Meal Together

A “moment” is a short experience that’s enough to shake people up a little bit, make them more creative, motivate them, and otherwise positively influence their personal and professional lives. Find out how to create and use such “moments” for your team. Read more

4 Deep Learning Breakthroughs Business Leaders Should Understand

Many of us expect AI to change the world, for better or worse. And soon. We should try to prepare for the AI revolution, and these four breakthroughs might help us do so. Read more

3 Ways Fast-Growing Companies Land the Best Talent

Hiring the right people is tricky, especially in such growing markets as IT. Luckily, we can learn from the successes of others and use these 3 strategies to find the best talent out there. Read more

Do you think understanding the four deep learning breakthroughs will help you prepare for the future? And were you inspired to travel more by Natalia’s story? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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