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Netguru Newsletter #89 - Suggestions for Alexa, Cool Coding Podcasts and Watching Nature Documentaries to Stay Sane

Photo of Olga Trąd

Olga Trąd

Feb 8, 2018 • 4 min read

Find out how freelancers and startups are changing the workforce, learn to deal with information overload, check out a bunch of really cool podcasts on coding and find out what the bulletproof excuse for binge-watching David Attenborough on Netflix is.

To Build a Great Company, Start With Your Death, Then Work Backwards

“Your business should be meeting your needs,” claims Leigh Buchanan at the beginning of this article. She argues that entrepreneurs should give themselves realistic timelines by estimating their time of death. This will allow them to focus on what’s important: taking back control of their lives and being happy. Read more

5 Little Things that Would Make Alexa a Lot Better

Alexa’s users count in the millions, which makes her a very popular voice assistant. While unarguably a powerful tool, Alexa could use a few improvements, such as custom wake words or a variety of voices. Read more

This Is How Freelancers & Startups Are Changing the Workforce

HR departments today are struggling with very different issues than several decades ago. Startups often entice employees with remote work, flexible hours and a wide range of benefits. How has this changed the workforce and what does it mean for the future? Read more

Ignorance Is Not Bliss: How Successful Business Leaders Deal with Information Overload

Information is a precious commodity, but when it’s a never-ending torrent seeping into all areas of our lives, it can be a danger to our well-being. Find out how to take care of yourself and deal with information overload without losing the value it brings. Read more

17 Best Podcasts about Coding You Have to Know (Our Team’s Picks)

Curious about the nuts and bolts of software development? Or maybe you already have coding skills and want to improve them? Either way, this awesome list of the best podcasts on the subject of programming, collected by our team, is a great place to start. Read more

Streaming David Attenborough on Netflix is the New Mindfulness

We all need to step back and find a bit of peace every now and again. Meditation is the strategy of choice for many people, but did you know that you can get many of the same benefits from watching nature documentaries? Read more

Who knew that David Attenborough could have such a positive influence on your health and well-being! Not to mention the idea of imagining your own death for the sake of being a happy entrepreneur. Strange techniques, but definitely useful.

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Photo of Olga Trąd

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Olga Trąd

Olga is a writer who's passionate about language and creating experiences. She’s always honing her...
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