AI Primer Workshop

Unlock the power of AI integration in your fashion retail company and attain valuable insights through our exclusive 6-hour AI Primer Workshop.


AI Primer Workshop - Overview

Are you facing challenges in harnessing the full potential of data and AI within your product offerings, services, or internal processes? Look no further.

Introducing our comprehensive AI Primer Workshop tailored specifically for decision-makers within the fashion retail industry.

This exclusive workshop is crafted to unveil the immense possibilities of AI integration in your company, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Immerse yourself in an engaging session led by our team of expert data scientists and seasoned product practitioners. Through a deep dive into your business, we will deliver personalized insights to guide you towards effective AI adoption strategies.

How AI revolutionizes the retail fashion industry

AI revolutionizes the retail fashion industry by enabling unparalleled advancements. With AI-powered algorithms, businesses can analyze vast amounts of data to gain valuable insights, from predicting fashion trends to optimizing inventory management. AI-driven personalization enhances the customer experience, tailoring recommendations and improving conversions. What's more, AI streamlines operational efficiency through automated processes, enabling retailers to make data-driven decisions swiftly and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.
  • Customer Insights

    Discover hidden patterns and preferences, empowering businesses to deliver personalized experiences and targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their customers.
  • Natural Language Search

    Improve browsing and allow users to effortlessly discover products by simply expressing their preferences in everyday language.

  • Personalized Recommendations

    Leverage advanced algorithms to analyze customer behavior and preferences, delivering tailored product suggestions that enhance the shopping experience and boost customer satisfaction.

  • Transformed In-store Experiences

    Integrate technologies like computer vision and augmented reality, enabling interactive product discovery, virtual try-ons, and personalized recommendations, creating immersive and engaging interactions for customers.

Let’s work together

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  • 15+

    Years on the market

  • 400+

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  • 2500+

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  • 73

    Our Current NPS Score

What you gain with AI Primer Workshop

Actionable insights from data scientists, product practitioners and business leaders to help you make informed decisions regarding AI adoption.
  • Retail industry AI trends analysis

    Check how your your competitors adapt AI solutions and what drives the market
  • Ideas generation and evaluation

    Brainstorm on potential AI solutions and evaluate benefits for your business
  • Insights into the latest AI trends

    Align your ides with the latest technology solutions and best practices
  • Workshop report summary

    A report with initially identified and evaluated ideas for potential AI adoption in your company
Let's talk about your project!

How do we work in Netguru

Identify AI potential in your business with an intensive AI Primer.

We’re offering a free 6-hour workshop, during which we’ll do a deep dive into the potential of AI adoption in the client’s company. The workflow includes three phases:

How we work?

  1. We inspire participants with the concept of AI, generative AI, Large Language Models and its applications in various fields and demonstrate the potential of AI in enhancing communication, efficiency, and customer experience.

  2. In this part we encourage creative thinking and brainstorming on potential use cases for AI in various products and departments. We dive into your business context and challenges, and see where AI could have the most impact.

  3. We generate and evaluate ideas to discover how AI solutions can be integrated into existing processes within the product portfolio.


Sign up for a dedicated AI workshop

Discover your company's artificial intelligence potential and get:

  • AI trends analysis for your industry

  • Ideas for AI implementation in your company

  • Initial ideas evaluation (impact vs complexity) from AI experts

  • Inspiration for potential AI adoption areas in your service or product

  • Opportunities to brainstorm and discuss potential AI use cases relevant to your department's needs and goals.

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